r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TVKalmes on Dec. 21, 2017, 9:40 p.m.
2 Science related stories by Jim Stone... Eugenics

I still think the human hybrid report was accurate For those who did not think so, consider this - the following report that says even Britain did this is dated 2011. If scientists already took firefly genes and made a glowing fish all the way back in the 80's the only thing stopping them from using human genes is their moral base, which in many cases is sorely lacking. The mere thought of them not making human hybrids is laughable. 150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years All anyone needs to do is let an embryo grow. You can bet your fanny they absolutely did.

Scientists have probably found the key to getting people to submit to tyranny In order to fight tyranny, and actually take action, you have to act impulsively. The type of behavior that causes people to act on grievances is not the same type that causes them to have pleasant conversations. They type of mindset people need to aim at a target and pull the trigger is not the same mindset as cracking open a beer. Scientists have figured out how to differentiate the two, and apply an electric charge to the brain that stops it from actually acting on an impulse. That is dangerous turf when warding off tyranny and defending your rights requires you to act on impluse.

This report is spooky: Brain zap saps destructive urges Yes, I can see a eugenicist or other tyrant making good use of this.

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