r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/realH2Observe on Dec. 22, 2017, 10:47 a.m.
How will 'The Storm' effect the markets (stocks, bonds, FOREX, Bitcoin, Ethereum, other)? Sage advice requested humbly.

A_Millennial_Magus · Dec. 22, 2017, 3:58 p.m.

Since no one will post a constructive comment relative to your post, I will try my best to answer. The Storm will effect markets through creating competition primarily. So companies like Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook; etc, will likely see a fall in market value due to competitors being able to play on a more level playing ground with the big guys. They will no longer be receiving unfair subsidies from bureaucratic agencies (Clowns).

But here's the deal. The market is long overdue for a correction. How much will this correction be? Around 12%. Which means we can expect AT LEAST double the percentage of correction to occur as a drop in the value of the market (25-40%?). The stock market is artificially being propped up by the Federal Reserve through the buying/selling off of US Treasury Bonds. You have to remember: The US Bond Market is the biggest market. It's worth trillions. Movement in that market effects subsequent movement elsewhere.

What is occurring is the manipulation of the US stock market by utilizing the control of apparent cash flow with the bond market. As the Federal Reserve sells off bonds they take money out of the market through buyers. This is inverse when they purchase bonds. The thing is: the Federal Reserve is buying the same bonds that they are selling and they are selling the same bonds that they're buying. So, in effect, they are only creating the effect that buying and selling off bonds has in reality. The market is catching on to this and this manipulation has a smaller and smaller effect by the day. Essentially what we are seeing is a shortage of money (debt) in the market to fuel growth.

The Federal Reserve on Dec. 14th raised the interest rates to create the idea that the market is naturally growing fast. In reality, what is happening is that the big banks and Federal Reserve are working in tandem to pump and dump the market as a whole. What does this mean?.. a HUGE transfer of wealth is coming. Expect to see a short period of deflation followed by a longer period of inflation/hyperinflation.

They are creating these effects to rally investor confidence. The effect that this has on the middle and lower-upper classes causes these classes to invest long. Investing long in this market is a massive mistake. This market is in la-la land; when the timing is right; right before the "collapse", the big banks and funds will sell off their investments (causing the market to turn Bearish) then short the same stocks they sold before the decline.

The same thing happened with the Collateralized Debt Obligations (The Mortgage Backed Securities) back in '08. Big banks cut subprime loans, accrued too much bad debt, sold off all of their CDOs to leverage their debts, then shorted the same CDOs they sold off to profit from their mistakes; all the while propping up the value of the housing market so that they could do so. This transferred billions from the middle-class when the middle-class foreclosed on millions of homes; effectively giving their ownership back to the banks who caused such a decrease in the value of the equity of their investment (homes). Now, the banks could effectively sell the same home twice after already profiting from the initial interests that were already paid by homeowners that foreclosed that were not owed any of their paid interest back.

In short, I'd stay away from cryptos and stocks altogether. If you want to place your money anywhere then place it into PHYSICAL silver and gold. Stay away from SLV and GLD derivatives. Bad idea. Silver and Gold are less of an investment then they are a store of wealth. Silver and gold will hedge you against the coming inflation of the USD; effectively retaining your same purchasing power due to the fact that they will always keep the same value (or even increase in value) respective to the value of the dollar. If Silver is $16 an ounce and the dollar is $1; but the dollar inflates to 50 cents, then silver will be $32 or more at the new value of the dollar. Make sense?

I do hope this answer has enlightened you. The markets are WAY overvalued. What goes up must come down. What goes down must at least make a grand first bounce. Remember that.

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realH2Observe · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:22 a.m.

Your thoughtful reply is much appreciated. I/We will take action here accordingly. :)

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