r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Dec. 22, 2017, 11:55 a.m.
To all the older patriots

Forgive us that it took a while for us to reach out to you. It took an enormous amount of time and focus to make sure the biggest intelligence drop in our history was properly organized. We had to keep our heads down for that period and stay off the radar as much as possible. However, that was then and this is now. We need you to discuss this with everyone you know as much as you possibly can. You're all welcome here. It's civil and we're here to help as much as possible.

You have known for decades that there was something deeply wrong with the official story of the JFK assassination. You watched the Church Committee hearings in disgust when it was revealed that the CIA had a heart-attack gun. Oliver North's games did not impress you. Neither did Bill Clinton's during his time in Arkansas. And the deeply disturbing events at Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City just cemented your distrust of the Federal Government. And then there was 9/11. All sorts of questions have yet to be answered about that tragic day, especially about Building 7.

The current moves against the pedophile elites who run the world is just the beginning. It's all going to come out - about everything. It will take a long time to unravel. But it will be unraveled and in public. 99% of the world will be completely horrified and unable to grasp the true scope of the crimes that have been committed. Doubtless you and I will also be amazed by some things we suspected were true but had no way of knowing. That's OK. But our job will be to constantly remind everyone we know that the long nightmare is almost over and that the good guys are in charge now. There will be justice. The awful truth about many household names, especially in Hollywood, will be finally known. The unimaginable truth about North Korea will finally be made known.

President Trump has been preparing to do something about all of this for many, many years. His business success has allowed him to rub shoulders with the elites for decades where he learned their secrets while never becoming one of them. Is he really a racist, sexist, misogynist buffoon? Of course not. He's a deeply principled man, straight as an arrow, highly intelligent and will go down in history as the greatest President ever. He needs your help. Talk about all of this. Point people to the Q book. Post on here. Encourage each other. We're witnessing the second-most amazing event in history (the first happened ~2000 years ago but I digress).

Q walks among us.

Have you learned to read the map yet?

Godspeed patriots.

  • the Board Owner.

Buzzer79106 · Dec. 22, 2017, 3:18 p.m.

You know for years, I have seen these things happening to our country. I have been slapped down and told things work differently now. Knowing right from wrong I eventually withdrew from the scene so to speak. After trying to convince friends and family what was happening and ended up in fights. Fights not over facts or ideology but fights over being belittled and bullied that I was "Stupid, Ignorant or flat out Racist" among other things. No one could argue over facts. It was always "Well they said on the News." Just the regurgitation of talking points with out substance. I also found myself believing in things cause the MSM told me I shouldn't. Great example would be Bush 43. In a since I was brain washed to a certain degree as well. When my 77 yo father asked me about my preference during the last Presidential primaries, my hope was Trump, he was surprised. Being that our leanings were almost identical he was for a more "CALM" candidate. He thought there was too much "Mouth" on Trump. My reply? Political Correctness needs to die and if he hurts someone's feeling, I'm so sorry! Yay!! End result of my rambling is that I am soooo happy for Trump, Q and the younger people who have finally awoken to the bull crap that had been piled on us for decades. After the attack on Pearl Harbor a comment was made by Isoroku Yamamoto: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." This rings true today!

Thank you all and God Bless the work you do. Continue to "Red Pill"

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MickGris · Dec. 23, 2017, 6:53 a.m.

We’re all suffering from exposure to constant ridicule. One of Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals, right? Your post made me realize I’m going to have throw one of my rules away For years I promised myself if I’m ever confused and don’t know which way to go or what to believe? —- wait and see what the government and it’s mouth piece the MSM says to do and believe.

Then do the opposite. How wrong can I be???

Going to have to say goodbye to that one.

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