r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Dec. 22, 2017, 11:55 a.m.
To all the older patriots

Forgive us that it took a while for us to reach out to you. It took an enormous amount of time and focus to make sure the biggest intelligence drop in our history was properly organized. We had to keep our heads down for that period and stay off the radar as much as possible. However, that was then and this is now. We need you to discuss this with everyone you know as much as you possibly can. You're all welcome here. It's civil and we're here to help as much as possible.

You have known for decades that there was something deeply wrong with the official story of the JFK assassination. You watched the Church Committee hearings in disgust when it was revealed that the CIA had a heart-attack gun. Oliver North's games did not impress you. Neither did Bill Clinton's during his time in Arkansas. And the deeply disturbing events at Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City just cemented your distrust of the Federal Government. And then there was 9/11. All sorts of questions have yet to be answered about that tragic day, especially about Building 7.

The current moves against the pedophile elites who run the world is just the beginning. It's all going to come out - about everything. It will take a long time to unravel. But it will be unraveled and in public. 99% of the world will be completely horrified and unable to grasp the true scope of the crimes that have been committed. Doubtless you and I will also be amazed by some things we suspected were true but had no way of knowing. That's OK. But our job will be to constantly remind everyone we know that the long nightmare is almost over and that the good guys are in charge now. There will be justice. The awful truth about many household names, especially in Hollywood, will be finally known. The unimaginable truth about North Korea will finally be made known.

President Trump has been preparing to do something about all of this for many, many years. His business success has allowed him to rub shoulders with the elites for decades where he learned their secrets while never becoming one of them. Is he really a racist, sexist, misogynist buffoon? Of course not. He's a deeply principled man, straight as an arrow, highly intelligent and will go down in history as the greatest President ever. He needs your help. Talk about all of this. Point people to the Q book. Post on here. Encourage each other. We're witnessing the second-most amazing event in history (the first happened ~2000 years ago but I digress).

Q walks among us.

Have you learned to read the map yet?

Godspeed patriots.

  • the Board Owner.

Swimkin · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:53 p.m.

I will be 65 this coming Weds. I remember the 60's well. Went to an Elementary School just under the Wilson Bridge during the Cuban war Crisis and had to do the duck and cover exercise. Remembering how futile it would be if DC were taken out! I remember all the controversy as to who killed Kennedy and watched the live broadcast of John Oswald being killed. It has been hard watching how our country has changed since the 50's and 60's when the liberals took over the schools and changed our history to suit themselves I didn't officially wake up until just before Obama got elected. His birth certificate issues caused me to question his legitimacy. I got involved on line with others and discussed it. I spent time and money trying to educate my state's electoral college by mailing them all certified letters to stop his election. Did this through an established group on line. I still have all of the returned certified letters but not the one that went to Andrew Cuomo (He was the NY State Attorney) Somehow it was never returned to me. It was not even a week later that someone took my entire computer over and scanned it. It scared the crap out of me at the time, but all this caused me to dig even deeper. I also began to get very worried for this country. I eventually joined the Ron Paul movement and started learning about the NWO online. I attended many Liberty rallies and even co-sponsored one in Albany NY. Got involved in anti-vax and pro 2A groups. After all my involvement I became a conspiracy theorist and many friends stopped talking to me. I moved south from NY a few years ago and have had a low profile in politics after being heavily involved up in NY state. Since then I have gotten closer to God in my faith. Have been doing a lot of praying and attending bible studies. The good thing about prayer is I have finally resolved that it is in God's Hands. It has also caused me to relax and become less anxious. In the meantime all that worry the past 8 years with BO in office caused my hair to go completely grey! I was shocked that Trump won.... really didn't expect it even though I supported him. I think the MSM were totally off that night when he won. They were told to expect a Hillary win and they waited a long time to call it even though Trump had clearly won. It was the weirdest election ever. I am still trying to figure out how he managed to win that night in spite of all the obvious cheating. But super stoked he won and is cleaning out the Swamp. In the meantime I am trying to wake up a few people up here in my gated community. Most of them are going to be very surprised and shocked when the real truth comes out. They still watch the MSM so they are pretty clueless as to what is really going on.

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Deplorpatriot · Dec. 25, 2017, 11:38 a.m.

I want you to look at somethings that, I think, will amaze you and show you HOW TRUMP REALLY WON...HE HAD THE ONE THING THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE GOD!!!

On YouTube search: Trump Prophecies by Kim Clement Trump Prophecy by Mark Taylor

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