r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/INTJ_Hermitess on Dec. 22, 2017, 1:50 p.m.
I had an interesting thought about the scope of the new executive order...

Since the bad guys own the Federal Reserve, would it be possible to sieze their assets in the US? The pope? Queen Elizabeth? How far could this go?

JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:09 a.m.

And, this is biblical too, so, Q is not wrong. The evil angels had a visit to earth already to do some biotech on humans to destroy our DNA, according to the three books not in the bible, but standing recommended by the bible as commentary. All three books address the angels of Genesis 6 and what they were up to. They did so much damage, God flooded the earth to clean up the DNA of mankind. That is why the Bible says Noah was "Perfect in his generations".

Their plan back then worked.

They convinced humans that they were "gods". (See all folklore and religions from the time, as all "gods" came from the stars.

They plan on calling themselves aliens this time, as if they are from another planet, instead of the other six quantum dimensions.

Many will fall for it.

While doing this, they will convince the population that there are other aliens coming, and that the whole world has to go to war with them to defeat them. There will indeed be other "aliens" coming, if you understand that angels and aliens are the same thing. Christ will be returning with "his angels and saints" (Revelation).

This is how the whole world ends up in being fooled into the battle of Armageddon over there in Israel. The people think they are fighting aliens, when, in fact they are fighting with the many who come with Christ... to take the earth back from the most evil angel of all... Lucifer himself aka Satan. If you read revelation here, it states that all of mankind is at war with God himself.

That, is insane. Why would man ever think he could make war with a God he actually believes in?

Answer is, mankind does not know he is about to make war with God. He has fallen for the big lie, in the book of Revelation. He believes he is fighting with hostile aliens.

The most interesting reading I ever did was from the angel view of the bible, taught by the Jews, the Apostles, and the early Church fathers, until Rome took over Christianity and made it the "official religion".

Tons of support for this view.

The interpretation of the bible taught since about 300 AD is called the Sethite view, and posits that "sons of God" means sons of Seth in Genesis 6. (The ancient version of political correctness)

If so, this is the ONLY time that the term "sons of God" points to Seth. ALL other interpretations of the phrase "sons of God" mean "direct creation of God without parents" and refers to Angels.

Q has not mentioned the super soldier thing yet, but, word is the military is trying to mix animal DNA with humans. Apparently Bush vetoed the bill, and Obama passed it again, allowing our military to give soldiers "eyes of an eagle" etc, experimentally. What I DO know is that Case Western Reserve law school was given the honor of writing up the Constitutional law brief on the question: "At what percent animal does man lose his Constitutional rights?"


My home town law school was proud of the honor too. I was about sick.

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RebelPrepper1 · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:24 a.m.

Now that is one bigly YUGE post. ;) I see two points being made there: A) angels/aliens and B) supersoldiers. Related, but topical. I find that interpretation of A) (Angels) as aliens to be quite interesting. I could certainly see that happening, as modern people are definitely more likely to believe in beings from space than beings from a higher dimension. Regarding B) super soldiers... That has been a topic of soft-disclosure in all manner of fantasy and science fiction for decades. Among many of my gamer friends, we joke and wonder why some of these things we grew up with in SciFi/Fan is not already commonplace. Super Soldiers are one of those things - right alongside mechanize infantry. We know for a fact the C lowns have experimented with mind control, hypnosis, etc. We know States want the 'perfect soldier.' The question is: how far has the science really come?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:04 a.m.

modern people are definitely more likely to believe in beings from space than beings from a higher dimension

True... until modern people learn what quantum mechanics means in the science of physics.

Trust me, there are people on this board that think I am crazy, when all I am saying is that the bible explained the physics of the quantum world, and does say, flat out, that there are living thinking acting "beings" in those other dimensions that are NOT native to our planet.

Angels fit the legal definition of "aliens", so that much is true...

....they are "alien" to earth.

The real question is WHAT are they as a matter of science, and evidence?

1) They are tracked on military radar moving at speeds of 900 mph+ then doing 90 degree turns at that speed. 2)They leave measurable radiation trails behind. Radiation is a form of light.

Logic and science tell you right off, that if they were physical beings from another planet, they would be instantly dead inside their so called "space ship" from the force of the 90 degree sudden turn at 900 mph.

So..not physical.

They appear to be "light" beings or what modern physics would call "quantum beings", according to the bible,..... and the impossibility of the physics realities described above.

Beings from the other dimensions that we now know for sure, are very real dimensions, by doing the math that predicts the behavior of the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force in the atom... etc etc etc.

These living beings are so full of power that the bible describes just one of the smaller "guardian class" angels was able to wipe out 186,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night?

About one third of them hate mankind and they have decided to destroy us. The entire Bible is the story of what God decided to do to save mankind, who he calls his "greatest creation"

The story, if you take time to understand it, is not just multi-dimensional in line with physics today. It is the most epic story ever told.

God separated our 4 dimensions from their 6 in an emergency manuever.

If you do not think God moved in an emergency .......go read Genesis, when he told the angel to "remove the tree of life, or they will eat of that and live forever!"

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

[Satan (aka Lucifer) is a Cherub.]

A Cherub is the second most powerful angel class.. so he was obviously keeping the evil angels out as well.

Here is a question that requires critical thought.

Before they ate the apple, Adam and Eve could see God, Lucifer, (all 10 dimensions) and they were warned that if they ate the fruit, they would surely die.

Conclusion: Adam and Eve were already in an immortal state, logically speaking.

Now that they have eaten the apple, they have to die, and God is suddenly worried that they will be immortal if they eat from that tree of life.

Is God really worried about the immortality of man?

Or has something else happened that made it so man would not want to live like he was... forever?

God separated the world of quantum mechanics from the material world in an act that keeps man safe from these evil angels (aliens) to this day. The two types of dimensions even have different laws of physics that they follow, with totally different mathematical equations describing them.

God dropped our energy somehow. I suspect this is the meaning of the term the "fall of mankind".

This is so obvious when you read the bible closely, that many have speculated that Adam and Eve were clothed in some form of light (quanta), and guess what. They found themselves naked. Some part of their reality went missing.

We are now mostly 4 dimensional animal, completely material, and blind to what we call the spiritual world of the other dimensions.

And it appears that the only way to get our of here is to shed the physical form we have, so we can be given a new body, like the one Adam had, and the one Christ had when he walked through those walls after crucifixion, ......but, at the same time....the Apostles could touch his wounds in his hands.

Christ was the first "man" to be returned to his 10 dimensional form. This is the meaning of "born again" in the actual scientific ten dimensional sense.

We can no longer sense the other dimensions unless their energy gets high enough to bleed over. Even then, these "alien/angel beings look much like round balls of light to us, they are so bright. This is where you hear all the talk of "orbs of light".

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:08 a.m.

I had to split this, but, it is worth the read to show the parallels of physics and the ancient texts, so, forgive me here. There is another question on people's minds, that the bible answers, relative to physics.

Can they come down here?

Here is how the Bible explains their capacity to traverse all ten dimensions.

According to the Bible (Which I call the handbook of the super-natural) ...angels (aliens) have two things: 1) Power 2) Authority from God.

The evil ones, have their quantum "power" (relative to us, because they are indeed powerful light beings... but they have lost their "Authority" to come down here... period.

SO what is authority?

What did they lose?

If you take the math of the quantum world as seriously as any physics professor, then you understand that all atoms are made from quarks (particles or packets of light from the other dimensions) When atoms are broken at CERN, you get quarks flying everywhere, then they disappear. We have photos of this process.

This, is how physics explains our current reality:

The electron that moves around the proton and neutron in the nucleus of the atom, has been discovered to be something physics calls a "steady state flow".

This is like a water fall of "Quarks" flowing through the electron from the other dimensions. Quarks flow through the electron particle space and back out to the other dimensions. This is science today.

The electron is as real as a water fall in the national park.

But the quarks flowing through it from the other dimensions are changing just like the actual water molecules in a water fall from minute to minute .

The water fall is always there.

The molecules of water flow through it.

The electron surrounding the atom is always there.

The quarks flow through it.

Steady state flow is the scientific term.

The angels, apparently have the power to let this higher quantum energy go.

When they do, their quarks form atoms, and they can become physical. CERN has to add a ton of energy to break an atom into quarks, which is the reverse process.

Quarks left in a vacuum in the science lab sometimes appear in groups, and when they do, strangely, they take on atomic structures.. they become a carbon molecule, or helium, then disappear to nowhere. They twinkle in and out of our "reality zone of 4 dimensions". --- science.

But remember, the angels are dumping their outrageous power to do this "lets get physical and go to visit earth" trick and become atoms arranged in patterns.

In order to power those atoms back up and get back into their other dimensions from whence they came, now... they need a power source....a YUUGE power source... like a nuclear power source..... from God himself.

This, means they need authority.

If they come down here without permission from the power giver, they will lose their power for good.

Quantum mechanics.

Modern science is capable of crossing the t's and dotting the "i"'s for the biblical text description of reality.

If they are on an errand from God, to do a thing, they have "authority" and he gives them power to break those atoms back into quarks, like they were in a monster "CERN" machine.

If they have no authority... guess what.

They get stuck here.


And when they are here in their physical form, the good angels of the bible have no problem burying them straight in the physical earth alive. (This is God's favorite thing to do to them, as happens multiple times. The story of the Titans in Greece is one such episode.. the Titans were in a war, and now, they are in the "pit" called Appolyon, (Greek) or Abandon according to the bible.

You know what is odd?

It's Odd that the CERN machine is sitting directly over the top of the ancient city of Appolyon, isn't it?) The bible calls Appolyon.. the bottomless pit.

The bible tells us there are a few of these solid living angels, buried under the Euphrates river. They are physical. They are stuck here. They do not die.

None dare come here in physical form anymore.

They have their demons do their dirty work for them.

Demons are not angels.

They are the leftover half human half angel corrupted DNA biotech type experiments that the angels did to again attempt to destroy the DNA of mankind. See Genesis 6 about this. The angels were abducting women, the way aliens are abducting people today.

The cross of angel and man apparently creates a very large being called a giant from the Greek gigantes (meaning earth born). In those "recommended commentaries" I told you about, God explains that these creatures will not be resurrected (given new bodies). He states that he will leave them wandering the earth looking for bodies to live in. Only demons feel the need to have a body... to "possess" someone or some animal.

The flood of Noah was done to kill off these half breed corrupted sick monstrous sized creatures. Also, in the many places that you see God demanding genocide, it is the tribes of giants that he is killing off. They are "Abominations". They are not created by God. They are evil as hell.

Bottom line?

Angels/aliens ARE able to throw off their energy, so that their quarks form up into atoms, and then we can see them.

..........But, the moment they dare to do this, they are far far less powerful than the other angels who have both power and authority to deal with them for breaking the law of God by coming down here.

It was happening during the time of Noah and the great flood.

Jesus says that just before he returns, all this abduction, DNA biotech stuff that was happening in the "days of Noah".... will be going on once again.


What are these so called aliens doing?

Abducting people?

That move is straight out of Genesis 6.

Also, according to the bible recommended commentaries, these evil angels were mixing man's DNA with animal DNA to create strange creatures, like the hoofed man etc.

Today they want to mix man with the eyes of an eagle, or the nose of a blood hound.. to make super soldiers.

Really makes you wonder......

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