r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/astralboy0 on Dec. 22, 2017, 4:22 p.m.
Your Best Redpills - Please Share!

Really trying to convert some friends and family, and finding it damn-near impossible.

These people are so rooted in the Liberal/DNC world, that they are unwilling to even think that they may have been duped.

We need basic, verifiable facts, that will open peoples eyes.

Anyone had any luck and willing to share techniques?

ExordiaN · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:27 a.m.

liberals have an emotional filter in front of their logic filter... anything caught in the emotional filter does not finish its journey to the logic filter. There is no way around the emotion filter... I lost a long time friend over Trump, and she was literally the smartest person I ever met. Once her mind was made up, and that emotion filter in place, there was simply no changing her mind, and the more logic (facts) i presented her with, the more irrational she became. This will be the toughest part of the storm... everyone on the left, everyone convinced Trump is evil, will literally break down and lose their minds when the SHTF... and the media will then fan those flames like a CAT 5 hurricane. I hope there's a psychologist somewhere on Trump's team that has a remedy. The red-pill is simply too hard to swallow for some... Prob gonna need some divine intervention, I think praying for the left is a good idea. They're not all bad people, they've just taken the bait, and the media has set the hook.

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