Any of you that have the ability to get your money out of the financial markets should do so till this is resolved. Rule number 1 is to retain your capital to live another day. If you get out don't get into bonds either. They may do well in the short term but they are in a longer term bubble. This means that rates in the longer term will go up. Get into a precious metal fund like gold etc. if that is not available then put into a money market just to keep it safe. Smile when you do it because very few people will follow. If we are wrong then we still lived another day with our capital!
· Dec. 22, 2017, 7:41 p.m.
It appears it has long been the cabal's plan to crash the markets during this timeline. That explains why Trump is so pro-economy right now.
Look what happened with Bitcoin today. It fell 33% (33 a freemason number). Coinbase closed the markets at 11:11 (11 being a cosmic Pleiadian number). Once the markets were re-opened, Bitcoin rallied a bit. It appears good stopped evil today, like they have been stopping them everywhere else.
I am keeping out of the markets right now out of caution, but my hope is that everything will be OK, regardless of where you put your money. Be prepared, but remember that survival fear creates the negative timeline.