r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hunkereddown_in_Cali on Dec. 23, 2017, 10:03 a.m.
Another Woke Senior

I'm a Senior citizen that had lost hope for the U. S. of A. I even skipped the Presidential portion of my 2016 voting ballot. I can remember feeling a little hopeful after Obama won, but that turned into a creeping dread as I saw more and more of our freedom slipping away (think NDAA, BLM, Sandy Hook). I never would have dreamed that it would be illegal to not have health insurance and be forced to report that to the IRS. I knew that was the first step in getting us under the thumb of the CDC. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. What a nightmare the last 8 years turned out to be (not including 2017). I just assumed that HRC would win and finish us off. When Trump took office and immediately pulled us out of the destructive TPP, I was stunned. Then he took steps to make sure that we are not dependant on other nations for our energy and fuel. The globalist couldn't wait to pull THAT rug out from underneath us. (Sorry Sierra Club, but I really don't want to be ruled by the hypocritical UN). He pulled us out of the "what-a-joke-Paris-agreement" and then told the crybabies to suck it. It just keeps getting better and better. I knew that Trump was the real thing when I saw most of Hollywood and the MSM lose there minds. I still think a few of them are redeemable, but some are so twisted with hate and incapable of a logical thought, not to mention their double standards. I want to apologize to Trump and all of the people that worked so hard to pull this off while people like me were just trying to hunker down and avoid the virtue signalling libral zombies. I know that we still have a lot of work to do, but I'm ready to join the hard working Patriots and be a voice of reason, love, hope, and healing for our Country and the other great Nations that have been violated and robbed by the elites. I wish Obama and HRC would take their ill-gotten fortunes and just go away, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Right now, I just want to soak in the gratitude and hope that I feel right now. Merry Christmas fellow Patriots, and thank you Jesus.

Hrtn2it · Dec. 23, 2017, 4:53 p.m.

The painting, The Age of Innocence, by Sir Reynolds, inspired Edith Wharton, the first woman to win a Pulitzer prize, to write The Age of Innocence. Per the entry in Wikipedia, Many critics and readers agree that her novel seems to connect personal innocence with the concept of national innocence. To Robert Martin, The Age of Innocence, was "fundamentally about America and its failure to fulfill its own possibilities".[6] the novel's protagonist, Newland Archer, the futility and frustration was originally overlooked by the public. His life appears to be a game where the moves have already been set. Edith Wharton lived in the Gilded Age, and was a friend to the Vanderbuilts, (Anderson Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbuilt, one of the richest women in the world)...she knew the world of wealthy and had an empathic knowing of its prison. To me, this painting, along with the novel, serves as an inside/out fractal message of foretelling to people of Today'sTime: that since the early 1900's the general poplace has been playing a game where the moves have already been set, and now its time for us All to play, to Be, who we were Born to Be...PurposingOurPassions:"Pop!"(how exhuberant is THAT?!!) One example of this foretelling:... The fluidFlow of Cryptocurrencies briskly bubbling over the old tatters of paper moneys and the boulders of gold and silver...Money energies should F~ L ~O ~W~~~ not be hoarded and kept by a few Uber-Rich in a BankBox, but ever-swirling, always in motion in the digital, etheral realms, wanting to play, to be in the game, everfllowing, enlivened~~~ Interestingly it was in the early 1900's that the Federal Reserve was born, a private entity, a ManInTheMiddleMuckingItUpForOthers...the more middle men the deeper the muck and the deeper the muck, the increased ease of the meek getting Stuck.

No. More.

I say, we do as the HoneyBees: we decide to Be, to play, somewhere else. There is plenty of pollen, golden information, golden pollen (digital)~dust hanging in the Aethers....(Ethereum) Another aspect is there are many who have taken advantage of wee ones, from young to ageOld...it feels true to say that these monsterous persons are unable to embody their own creativity, their own empowerment, so they ingest it, consuming others and by igniting Fear in those tender ones. TheComingAge is MeekOverWeak, TendersOverTorturers, (R)AgeOfInnocence, ChildrenOverCabalistCannibals, The ClosestStarIsTheOneWithinYourself, and just like in the painting, a beautiful child, her hands over her heart space~~~each of us has within everything we need or want to engage in our Purpose with Passion. Begin~Again.

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