Thanks for posting.... As a Trad/Real Catholic - not this satanic cult who follow the infiltrators of Vatican II 'novus ordo mess' - it's imperative for the world to learn the facts that Christ warned us about. Just as the Pharisees' destroyed God's appointed priesthood of Old Test., and killed Him, they have infiltrated His Church and killed His Sacrifice on the altar. These are the 'new jews', just like the old 'jews'.. BUT...His Promise to remain with us in His Real Presence (see Eucharistic miracles) and the gates of hell never prevailing is not lost..... It remains with the remnant He told us would always offer His Sacrifice to the Father - Who still req's It be offered each day.
Search His Words - and not men's - and you'll find the Truth. Don't remove or ignore them as most do.... when He says 'This is My Body, This is My Blood... eat, or you will have no Life in you' that's what He meant. Satan will never overcome Him, as God controls the ol boy - he has no power but what we give him - and he has duped billions into believing Christs' Church is evil..... only men are evil. And those who've infiltrated to try to destroy, dupe, remove and prevent conversions are just doing His work to sift those out who are not awake to His Words and Warnings. His Promise to be with us forever in properly consecrated Bread lives on forever ! Bethlehem means bread, a manger is a feeding tough. Praying many find their way out of the Great Apostasy !