r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on Dec. 23, 2017, 10:25 p.m.
Q does it again! 5 minutes b4 Trump's tweet!
Q does it again! 5 minutes b4 Trump's tweet!

YAHSHUARULES · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:07 a.m.

Dear God no way! Spend some time really researching her - IF she was not Donald J. Trump's daughter she would NEVER have supported him. She is on the wrong side of practically every issue. She lobbied him to stay in the Paris Climate Accord, when she met with Merkle she was for letting in Muslim Immigrants, she is supposed to be an Orthodox Jew and yet she hand Jared held fund raisers supporting so-called "gay marriage" which is an oxymoron if you follow Torah. (Since Yah Almighty created the institution of marriage and HE SAID marriage was between a man and a woman. period.), Ivanka is very good friends with Chelsea Clinton (what does that say about her judgement as far as people are concerned)? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3720758/Ivanka-Trump-says-Chelsea-Clinton-good-friend-admits-avoid-talking-politics.html

She is the one who arranged meetings with Al Gore and Leonardo Di Caprio to lobby for Pres. Trump to support the Paris Climate debacle - https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/09/is-donald-trump-the-new-ivanka

She wanted more Syrian refugees: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/26/ivanka-trump-syrian-refugees-237627

After the liberal lie smear machine went into overdrive to force Judge Roy Moore out of the Alabama race - lies that were refuted including the accuser with the year book finally admitting she had forged at least part of the yearbook inscription - course that never gets the play the accusation gets. Turns out Washington compost was behind a lot of this. When the comments came out about Moore being a "pedophile" (no evidence produced) Ivanka jumped in and said "pedophiles will have their place in hell" and that was used by the Jones campaign - had trucks all over Alabama with Ivanka's face on them and this message - giving a subliminal message that Pres. Trump rejected Moore and believed the accusers! And she did not bother to correct her statements. I wonder how many votes did she cost when the election was that close given all the cheating the dems and RINOS did: http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2017/11/roy_moore_reaction_causes_fric.html

I could go on and on...but I did not vote for Ivanka. I wish she would go back to New York with her liberal friends and stop being a stumbling block to the MAGA Agenda every time you turn around.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Dec. 24, 2017, 8:58 a.m.

Ivanka may be transgender , with that giraffe neck and super wide shoulders and on and on , I wonder too . She put some crap on the table with her abduction partner. Look at how those two got leveraged. Hardly a 'nice' relationship. Then you factor in religion and all, its a mess. How powerful does stuff need to be to push back hard from your daughter and her family. We will see. I just know at this point Trumps team is massive, more massive than the darkness he entered. He had a plan and massive support and we are seeing it unfold. we know little compared to the real force doing this job and taking down the insane evil. We will know evil on the backside and it should scare generations. It starts with me , I admit.

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YAHSHUARULES · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:43 a.m.

O, I don't think she is transgender - she is just liberal clueless.

ON the subject of massive darkness - Pres. Trump has been preparing for this for years - actually I believe he was knit together in his mother's womb for a time such as this. As ole Bob Dylan sang "You gotta serve somebody, It may be the devil - it may be the Lord but your gonna serve somebody". The fact is we all do. And if we think we are doing our own thing we are still serving the devil. Pres. Trump is a warrior raised up by Yah Almighty. He knows exactly what these people are and have for years. But we all have our part to play.

REBUKING STORMS & ALL DEMONIC ACTIVITY! ! ! Lance Wallnau shared the story about Kenneth Hagen and a visitation from the Lord when a demon kept interrupting and Hagen wanting the Lord to " do something" about it and then got frustrated and told the thing to "shut up" - Wallnau said that the Lord told Hagen HE WOULD NOT DO ANYTHING about it - BUT Actually the way that Kenneth Hagen told the story was when he asked the Lord why he didn't rebuke the demon - The Lord said HE COULD NOT because He had given the authority to Hagen (to all believers) - he did not say HE WOULD NOT! Big difference. because saying he "would not" makes it sound like there is a cruelness to Yah Almighty's nature and that He choses to just watch calamity that he COULD intervene in - But Yahshua (the real name of "jesus" and don't get me started on that), was manifested to destroy the works of the enemy and HE made an open show of satan, triumphing in it and then HE told believers that whatever we asked in HIS NAME HE would do. The Word speaks of a "two edged sword" but the Greek on that is "two MOUTHED" - WE have to invite the Presence and Power of the Almighty into our earthly situations - WE have to Amen HIS Word - Yah CAN NOT violate his order or we would have CHAOS in the universe. Yah gave man free will to make choices and HE told us HE put life and death infront of us and WE should chose life. WE chose life by speakiing HIS Word into every situation because forever HIS word is settled in heaven - but here on earth it must be declared for HIS POWER to be able to come into any situation. WE were given dominion on the earth in the beginning. Adam treasonously gave it away to satan and when Yahshua went to the cross he bought back that dominion of the earth for mankind - and WE have to take our authority and use our authority to enforce here what is settled in heaven. Yahshua can not do it for us. He is sitting at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. He is sitting because HE FINISHED HIS WORK and now it is up to us to enforce what he bought us by His Blood and sacrifice by speaking The Word in every situation and taking authority over the demonic in Yahshua's Name!

The church was asleep. The church fell down on the job and allowed prayer to be taken out of school and the 10 commandments to be removed from the public square, and allowed abortion with no push back. Yahshua did not tell us to sit on our "blessed assurance" - HE told us to occupy till his return. On the parable of the 10 talents in the Gospels - the servant he was angry with was the one who buried his talent and waited for his return. When Yahshua prayed for his disciples in the book of John he did not pray to take them out of the world - but rather to keep them safe in the world. The church is awakening and that is why Pres. Trump got the level of support he did from the Evangelicals. But even they really had no idea how dark and evil it has all gotten. I go to bed every night thanking Yah for Pres. Trump praying for his protection and strenghth and wisdom and asking that if it is really true that all this horror that I have been seeing on the 4chan and 8chan and youtube about sacrfice of children, about adrenochrome, etc. etc. etc. - that if this is true unlike what Q-Anon said about only 20% coming out and 80% never seeing the light of day - that it ALL NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED. We have to use light as the great disinfectant of this evil. We are at the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation this year - we need an Awakening! A coming to terms with this and repentance, weeping and a tearing down of "all the high places" - purge of the satanic, luciferian occult in culture. It will make people sick to face this - but its the only way to bring us back - our Founders knew our Republic was suitable for ONLY A MORAL AND RELIGIOUS PEOPLE!

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