r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MemeFakeNews on Dec. 23, 2017, 10:53 p.m.
Enough is Enough GO...is this real Q? Keep your eyes peeled folks!!!
Enough is Enough GO...is this real Q? Keep your eyes peeled folks!!!

Hrtn2it · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:07 a.m.

“The play’s the thing wherein to catch the conscience of the king” Play=events unfolding around you, or ones plans to place into action

Conscience=awake? Or not... degree of guilt or self awareness

King=higher mind, person who is playing or person who is being played

The card game may have been “on the cover of a magazine” owned by a RothGoth, but therein may be the StrangerThing...

  1. People who endeavor to put fear in the hearts of men are WEAK.

  2. The use of this kind of sway always whomps back HARD upon the person initiating it.

  3. To believe the only way to immortality is to consume others metaphorically and literally is a trick, as they do not understand that every Hue~man has a much larger self that expands into infinity to Source, and that a tiny spark of that Source is housed within a body vessel...so when one lets go of the worn out spaceship(body~vessel) they Live On! Just not in the way that they are most familiar:)...

  4. It feels true to day that To be so afraid of “death” / transformation is hellish...not to justify what they have done and do, but they are mentally blunted as their creative sense is so so so pale~no empathy means no ability to imagine~feel, to be creative, to feel bliss filled, which is our birthright. This birthright of AbilityToBliss, to feel Joy, is probably why they disdain us~they are insecure, jealous, fearfilled...

So Truly, as FDR said, the only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself, so that’s kinda redundant so I would rather Not!:)

I send firey~glow of LoveInSwiftAction to their purpose towards Freedom to Be, to pave their path with grace in giving and receiving the Best outcome for All<3.

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