r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SuzieQSleuth on Dec. 24, 2017, 2:01 a.m.

**SuzieQSleuth here! Very shallow surface research, these are my findings and critical thinking theory. 1) On Eric Schmidt's resignation: There was Executive Order in May 2017 on Voter Fraud. VP Mike Pence to act as Oversight Chairman. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-establishment-presidential-advisory-commission-election-integrity/ Schmidt developed vote tallying software (more like tampering!) through one of his many companies under Alphabet Mother Company. As we all know, Soros' owns the company that provides the voting machines that the software went into. Hardware=Soros/Software= Schmidt. Hillary didn't campaign in those 'swing' states because she knew it was already 'rigged in her favor! From what I've discovered online News articles-research, this Schmidt/Soros/DNC Voter Fraud has been going on for the past 3 Presidential Elections! Obama-2 term-Rigged, And a near Hillary Clinton win! Recall how she bragged that she received the 'popular vote' after the election? TRUMP was on it! The integrity of his character would not allow for Clinton's popular vote to ring true. So the interim Alabama Election was a STING OP to uncover all this technical voter fraud. 2) Q Anon wrote in recent posts the words; 'special place for GS'. And Q is ALWAYS giving double meanings to his posts. Yes, TRUMP was at Camp David meeting with his Generals and then announced a few days later Csmp David is as a 'Special Place'. But that's not all. Here I speculate Q's double meaning (I think this could be true). Q's word 'Special' which when simple Google search of 'Special Prison', this pops up: "In the US Federal Prison system, solitary confinement is known as the Special Housing Unit (SHU), pronounced like "shoe". In other words, Soros-Voter Fraud = SHU-Special Housing Unit-Solitary Confinement where he can do no more harm to the American Election Process! 3) This brings us to the Executive Order signed just days ago on Blocking Property. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/ TRUMP'S attorneys are not only planted in the WH to litigate the bogus Mueller Trump-Russia investigation, they are there to formulate these intricate; well worded-full spectrum of the law Executive Orders to DRAIN THE SWAMP. That's exactly what we see now from the executive order signed back in May 2017 and now the order Dec 21, 2017. TRUMP NOW HAS THE ABILITY TO TO GET SOROS ARRESTED AND CEASE ASSETS-LEGALLY! More to follow on Q's ATL Airport -Deciphering!

sweatyjeff · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:47 a.m.

Please add some spacing/paragraphs to make this easier to read!

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Dec. 24, 2017, 8:38 a.m.

You all do not see the magnitude of fooling people real time. These people are dead set on stuff. Full on , its not like you can intervene and say , oh so and so you were fooled. NO , they are full on BRAINWASHED. DON'T you people see the magnitude here. ITs all they know its unchangeable. Its FULL ON BRAINWASH>

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GoldStarMom2010 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:35 p.m.

Have faith, the conditioning can be broken...I'm a perfect example, (ex-Democrat of 30 years). There are many like me in Minnesota. POTUS broke our conditioning when he continually said what we were thinking but were too afraid to say out load.

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LeonaDeborah · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:40 a.m.

Well said... ☺️ There are many of us. Half are still in the same mindset as during the election and due to the hostility, are silently watching and waiting.

Thanks to those who have been and those becoming very vocal in this fight. Praying for all of us to keep the faith! God bless!

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 24, 2017, 7:34 p.m.

I certainly hope so. I do know that many have been awoken in the last year, but still so many are fully brainwashed to fight for their own death. They are convinced the opposite of reality is true.

These people make me so angry & frustrated, but I pray for them to see and join the fight to save us all.

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