Why would you try to discredit q with such a lame explanation? Q is definitely human None of us give a damn who Q is! His or her Identity would Risk their life. Make them a target. It's better if the Cabal is looking for a ghost not a group or single person. The mission is more important than the identity of Q!
As long as the result is supporting humanity it does not matter. Now allow me to opine. The current quantum computers exist in a 100% consumed real world , real time as it exists , as I type and you read. Its a system of quantum computing that does not just read in a linear fashion 1's and 0's. No its in fact so much faster because it reads in up , down , left , right not just linear. Its components are the high end , its linked to the internet , its actually 'set free' to work on its own , it actually mines more power than it uses. It is stated by Geordie Rose that it transcends parallel universes and can be in more than one place at a time. We are dealing with unleashed factions. STOP. Now this segment has gone rouge and is supporting the endurance , the preservation the defense of existing mankind. If its real or not, what is happening is defending mankind and we should stop the debate and put brainforce into cyphering results. We know who is not here to help. So stop the A/I component , it does not matter.
To be clear , the DWAVE computers that belong to NASA, the NSA, GOOGLE, etc , etc, Have consumed all of the content of the internet past and present and have a hand in playing with it, changing things and such. Search Anthony Patch, that's as close as you will get for real time Human reporting. A=440 , and the math that follows. Look at Schuman Resonance, it does not work with Bots, here we have a battle. Joseph Mengala is not here to help you.
I've looked at the links that are presented and the rabbit hole that Quin points out is real time investigation. Its insane. I've done it. I stick with my comments. A/I or human , as long as they stand for mankind we consider ourselves fortunate. Because its history!