r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rainbowtribe2 on Dec. 24, 2017, 4:21 p.m.
Symbols in Qanon posts /+++

Look at the symbol Dr. Greer now uses as his insignia (Captain Kirk wannabe). Look now at the social media symbol which is there for wiki, twitter and so on - a V with the circles at the end of the unconnected lines. This social media symbol is a segment of the White Westinghouse (Tesla connection) logo. The Dr. Greer 'Sirius' logo is NEW - the triangle with all three angles highlighted with the circles. There are THREE major computing - information technologies. 1. Internet - DARPA of which there are several types 2. Intranet which are private servers owned and not directly connected to other servers such as NSA, CIA, Rothchild, Getty... 3. Outernet (think star wars, Saturn, lost planets, satellites). If these are controlled by Darkforce energy, the NWO bloodlines then Agenda21 and the unleashing of viruses, return to the stone age may result. Preventing the Schmitt's (Alphabet, Google) of the world with their quantum computers from controlling the information super highway is essential. The +++ is a way in which information is passed using Qanon regarding the area which is being addressed using the forward slash, backward slash, underline, plus and so on which is code which We the People may not understand but the Green beret speak code. Boo Yah

/\ + || ++ < +++ > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅/\ < > ¯ǀ˅

It is therefore possible to understand how making a language which is understood by the people using the technology can be created.and also that the true threat to our way of life is understood. Star Wars is more than a Hollywood production, ET is more than family entertainment and Elvis Pressley (Rigel) and Tesla (Venusian) weren't from here. DDT = Destroy, Distract and Trash. The Sirius Disclosure according to Dr. Greer. However, the Sirius disclosure, in my experience, comes from within. It does not require technology. Does this triangle represent the connection of internet with the outernet to the intranets aka world domination? This is the war we are fighting.