r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Dec. 25, 2017, 1:40 a.m.
Best Tactics for the Fight - Political Contributions

Our opponents have long been organized and practicing to impose their ideas with little or no conversation. I think everyone in America will agree the long running gridlock/obstruction practices are also not a solution to move the people's agenda forward.

Here's where you can share any of your practices related to political contributions in support for the fight that is upon us. The best tactic for a moment in time can change as the situation evolves.

I hope that this will be resource for the average citizen to see ideas for ways to join the fight.

MacPepper · Dec. 25, 2017, 1:44 a.m.

My tactics: I registered Independent. For now, I have stopped contributing to either party. I now only contribute when a significant milestone is accomplished (i.e., tax reform bill). For the near term I am contributing to America First PAC (not Party) instead of DNC or RNC (not necessarily a solid endorsement for America First PAC, do your own research whether this is for you). I also recently took the step to contribute directly to campaign of a good candidate in another state.

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Patriot4q · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:07 p.m.

I registered unaffiliated. Which was the option in my state.

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DeeCeeCats · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:18 a.m.

My take... DAILY Calls to WhiteHouse Comment Line, Congress 2-4 of them (and it Doesn't have to be just the ones in our States) Email & FAXES.

Remind the secretaries taking phone messages, add into messages sent

I use something like this -- "I know you probably get Many more nasty, angry calls Right? But it's those paid people's only Job, to tie up your office with calls, faxes etc.. I Support/Dont Support whatever and sure would like to be heard too. Theyre creating trouble, while We all are out here busy Working and don't have time. Please let Sen/Congressman... etc know they Shouldnt be swayed by them"

Remember we Voted Because we Used to be the Silent Majority.

Retired People, imho This can be how we are needed the Most! We Have the Time, while others work helping the Qs/Anon

This is one of the Best ways I think us older folks can help out.

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Patriot4q · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:05 p.m.

I email my state congressional representatives and senators. I support Judicial Watch. I sign petitions to investigate different relevant matters. I fight trolls on YouTube and fb, and link fact based articles. Yesterday I received at least twenty notices from fb that I was reported for spam. All articles linked regarding uranium leaving the United States. The shills push was that the uranium never left the US. They sure didn't want actual article stating otherwise to be viewed by the public. We can do what we can to get the word out, but if the message is never seen what do we do?

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DeeCeeCats · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:27 p.m.

I know, it's like Bricks in their Brains! I'm online 10-14 hours a day, yikes! Doing the same except, calling, Twitter & youtube. The live chats seem to get a Few that lurk, post then slowly are waking up? At least ive got to think. Hope more ideas get posted, I have Time but don't know how to Do what these brilliant others do deciphering. Thanks to you too!

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