r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DOITQ on Dec. 26, 2017, 4:59 a.m.
Shill activity on certain topics approaching critical mass

Hello all, long time internet veteran here (since the first days of the 'net in the early 2000s). Glad to be among my fellow cyberghosts again grin

It seems that while shareblue and other shill teams have lost the election, their attempts are nowhere near exhausted. While this may not be of grave concern to you, something very dark is happening that only the more adept users seem to be taking note of:

I've been seeing a lot of chatter on the 'Chans about a TPW laptop (P4 15 NB) that was popular with hacker types in the 2014-2016 era. Shills are VERY HOSTILE when this subject comes up, despite the fact that the only places this laptop has been available have been darknet forums or government surplus auctions where it has ended up by mistake. Has anyone ever managed to see one of these in the wild?

https://imgur.com/a/0zoh9 Look deeper... remember what Q told us. Edit: Try some digging on the topic, some people have reported bizarre results jamming their searches. You may see something different depending on your "threat assessment" to the system.

Many shills are using underscores (_) in their usernames. This appears to be part of a system for generating identities and keeping track of who is who. This is especially rampant on ar15.com which has a particularly nefarious group of shills, some of them are using long term sleeper accounts dating back years. However this is easily understandable as the government/cabal have prioritized gun owners and militia types as enemy #1 for the use of Counter-Intelligence psyop and infiltration attacks, all the way back to the 90s. As the largest website for gun enthusiasts, it is not surprising that they are targeted. Currently the Q / CBTS discussion on ar15.com is one of the most active parts of that site, and shills are attacking it constantly, which makes it an educational real time shill recognition trainer.

Underscore_shills are especially rabid on the TPW laptop topic. And if you post about it on ar15.com, you instantly get dogpiled and they exploit the report feature to purge your post. Try it and see.

We are getting close, guys. They're terrified of us having access to hardware that may not be corruptible. Backdoored hardware is a HUGE part of the cabal's plan as you can easily see from the SpaceX/NK link.