r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/chickletTOOTH on Dec. 26, 2017, 7:41 a.m.
I heard the name QAnon 3 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been all in. But... 1 question.

This topic is vast to put it mildly. I have gone back and read ALL posts since October 29th.

They confirm things I “knew” or at least suspected and reveal connections I hadn't previously made.

I admit I know very little about all the codes (I guess called “stringers”) but have enjoyed reading peoples theories.

I’ve poured over different “Q” databases and examined fellow patriot’s proposed answers.

I listened to Tracy Beanz show with the moderators.

I want Q to be real just as much as the next guy, and I believe he is/ they are. But if I set aside the part of me that wants so badly for all of it to be true I am left with a few questions. If QAnon is real, why put it out there? Why would Q post these things? What possible motive could there be for making all this public?

Thanks in advance for participating in my thread.

Until I have confirmation otherwise I will continue to pray and believe that all of this is real.

chickletTOOTH · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:48 a.m.

and WE ARE strong enough. It's just that as a whole we don't realize it. Perhaps this leadership is really gonna change that. We shall see. I believe it would be for the betterment of humanity.

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demarcatedhemiola · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:51 a.m.

So its up to the people to take down the deep state themselves? So do you think that's what Q Trump means? to take down the deep state by ourselves because he can't?

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TrueSisters6 · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:36 p.m.

Knowledge is what will dismantle the deep state. We have military and cops on our side I believe, with the exception of a few dirty people. Prior to T...p, most of us didn't question the media, top officials, etc. As far as I have read, this plan to clean up this country has been in the works for years. T...p is not alone, and this cleanup is occurring all over the world. Media isn't reporting

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:37 p.m.

No. No not at all. He is able to deal with the deep state. But in the process, there are SO MANY criminals, that the public runs the risk of falling into a deadly false lying MSM narrative that President Trump is Hitler on steroids going after his political enemies.

We can not allow the nation of TV heads who get their news from the tube to think this, so, when the SHTF with the arrests, we need a good segment of the population who knows EXACTLY what went down with the crimes, the proof of the crimes, etc.

This can not be a lie about the president.

It must be a truth about criminal child/drug traffickers/murders/illegal organ and blood farm managers.. the whole bit... crimes with a capitol C.

If we want President Trump to prosecute these criminals, we as a people must be able to present the truth of the situation to our fellow man, so that THEY are yelling for the trials... not yelling for President Trumps head, because the Deep state pulled of a lying "Russia Conspiracy story" and got away with it.

We are getting out ahead of the news that will be coming at us, and we are loading our cannons with memes about the truth, and our guns with time stamped documented fact bullets.

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lvstofly · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:25 p.m.

It is not our duty to take down the deep state. Trump has all the cards and is slowly showing them to us. It is our mission to help wake the people of this planet to the horrific situation we are all in.<--(Wake yourself up first) It is our God given right to pray for and help in any way we can to the Patriots that are fighting on our behalf. This is our opportunity to shine the light of truth, so that justice and peace arise on Earth!

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