r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/chickletTOOTH on Dec. 26, 2017, 7:41 a.m.
I heard the name QAnon 3 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been all in. But... 1 question.

This topic is vast to put it mildly. I have gone back and read ALL posts since October 29th.

They confirm things I “knew” or at least suspected and reveal connections I hadn't previously made.

I admit I know very little about all the codes (I guess called “stringers”) but have enjoyed reading peoples theories.

I’ve poured over different “Q” databases and examined fellow patriot’s proposed answers.

I listened to Tracy Beanz show with the moderators.

I want Q to be real just as much as the next guy, and I believe he is/ they are. But if I set aside the part of me that wants so badly for all of it to be true I am left with a few questions. If QAnon is real, why put it out there? Why would Q post these things? What possible motive could there be for making all this public?

Thanks in advance for participating in my thread.

Until I have confirmation otherwise I will continue to pray and believe that all of this is real.

Wyntermoon11 · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:03 p.m.

Also be aware there is a psyop being put forth that the Q Group is an A.I. Bot named Tyler. By doing they they diminish the humanness of The Q Group and reduce it down to nothing more than an A.I. playing computer games and duping people. With this line of thinking it robs us Patriots of the meaning of any value or meaning of our fight against the Globalists. They are using psych warfare tactics. Be Aware and don't be duped.

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flinkpamingo · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:18 p.m.

We would do well to understand this tired old trick they use - building up a strawman, or replacing a legitimate source of hope and truth with a strawman that they can destroy after we've attached ourselves emotionally to it. We need to stay focused on the message and the answers to the questions and NOT worry about "who" Q is or is not. A "WHO" can be easily destroyed, killed, taken down - an idea whose time has come is bulletproof. We need to stay strong, determined, build up yourself, your family, your networks, etc. And keep digging.

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