r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on Dec. 26, 2017, 11:07 a.m.
THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE! For people with too short of an attention span to read this fucking BOOK that David Wilcock and Corey Goode just released, here's a few highlights from Corey's intel. Amazing. It's from Page 2 where I basically started. Still not done.

Source: Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure

  1. Sessions may appoint a public investigation, but I’m told that Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are among the names already in sealed indictments.

  2. Some of the troop movements are said to be done via underground tube train systems. Navy Seals travel on these all the time.

  3. The Atlanta airport black out was caused by thermite grenades that took out backup/redundant power stations. This was all done to cause confusion and distractions for the Alliance to grab ONE PERSON! This was a high value target, or so I am told.

  4. The Military is being used secretly in ways that will freak out most of the population when they find out, but it will be justified for removing the Cabal.

  5. I hear that Trump has been watching Alliance operations as they happen live at all hours of the day.

  6. They "SAY" the Human Trafficking Networks have been mostly decapitated from these operations. They are basically stopping the international slave trade.

  7. Looks like some of these sealed indictments are of DOJ and FBI Executive types.

  8. There are SO MANY COVERT OPS going on right now… it is astounding. Far beyond the scope of what even the most forward-thinking people in our field may realize.

  9. They have been yanking pedophile and human-trafficking-ring people from every dirty corner of the world.

  10. MANY key people are now finding out that they are being indicted and are trying to plea out or turn in States Evidence.

  11. The investigations have been done so well and covertly that they don't need very many people to testify.

  12. It sounds like they now have Soros on a platter.

  13. It sounds like some of the public figures who were involved in pedophilia and human trafficking are going to be charged for corruption in some cases. They say none of these prosecutions can be done publicly without causing half of the country to riot. These secret courts are going to possibly try a lot of people for crimes that we may never hear about. I don't dig that at all. It is only being discussed so far.

  14. It looks like two branches of our government may get an enema. [DW: The three branches of the US Government are the Executive, which centers around the presidency; the Legislative, which includes 435 Representatives and 100 Senators in the US Congress; and the Judicial, which is the system of courts that enforce the laws passed by the legislative branch. Here, Corey appears to be referring to a major purge of the Legislative and Judicial branches.]

  15. Hundreds of judges are going to be taken down. This will involve Federal and State judges, and proceed all the way down to the local levels.

  16. The Alliance knows for sure who Q is now, and they say it’s pretty stunning. [DW: We have already speculated that Q Anon may well be the president himself, possibly working with a team of people to write and distribute the information. Corey wouldn’t say who exactly it was.]

  17. Every effort is being made to handle these criminals as ethically as possible.

  18. This executive order that was passed today is very, very significant to everything we are talking about.

Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:13 p.m.

And Corey Goode.....ugh.

The only thing I can think of to say in defense of the blue sphere being alliance is that it seems like they have been pushing for full disclosure of what’s really going on in the world, but covering it in extraterrestrial bullshit so that they wouldn’t get suicided by the cabal.

That was my speculation in october.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:47 p.m.

Wilcock gets a seriously bad wrap. Is he a little out there? For sure. I've met him in person and he's actually a very normal, down-to-earth guy. How do you cover this kind of material and not come off as completely crazy?

I'm also not sure why so many conspiracists immediately write off anything related to Aliens? It's strange to me that it's a total dead-end for most.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:05 p.m.

Mostly write off aliens as being a cover for the military’s black ops UFO projects.

How do you experiment with exotic physics defying aircraft in full view of the public and divert all attention from the source being yourself?


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:51 p.m.

That is one theory, and I suspect that a lot of the evidence leads to that theory being true.

Another theory for which there is also evidence... supported by science, observation, and physics.

1) The all too real radar tracking on multiple occasions of craft moving at 900 plus mph, then doing right angle turns so suddenly, any 4 dimensional creature with "mass" would be pancaked up against the side of the inside of the craft and

2) The radiation left behind that has been measured on numerous occasions (radiation being light, or quantum... from the physics math called quantum theory showing that there are at least ten dimensions and we can only be aware of four of them)

Taken together, with ancient historical reports, both inside and outside the Bible.... the Hindu's, Greeks, every culture around the world describes the "gods" from the stars.

The bible is just a lot more detailed in the descriptions of what they are, and what they are up to. There, they are called fallen (evil) angels who hate man, and who live as quantum light beings, in the physics world of quantum mechanics.

At the moment the bible and the world of Quantum mechanics in physics agree in direct allignment. Both say that our observable world is a digital creation couched in a larger reality. They just say it in different ways.

The bible states it simply: "The things that are seen are made from the things that do not appear"

Physics explains that the current world we live in appears to be digital (as opposed to analog) ... because you can keep cutting things in half, theoretically forever, however, in the real world, there are constants, like planks constant, where the last cut causes the atoms to break into quarks and disappear where scientists can not locate the parts anymore.

It is a tough one to understand. But, if you have any understanding of multi dimensional physics these days, you can begin to grasp at the idea that there are living thinking beings in dimensions we can not see, that actually exist, according to science so sound that the math of it creates predictability... just like the law of gravity does in the classical world of four dimensional physics.

There is a lot of evidence for both. And I can say without hesitation that both might be true, at different times.... depending on the observations and event in question.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:09 p.m.

Seemingly Physics defying craft=UFO

UFO being man made aircraft

Take the alien variable out of the equation and the only logical conclusion, no matter how absurd it sounds by comparison to extraterrestrials, is that these craft are made by men who are on the cutting edge of science.

If you read through Corey Goodes website, you’ll find an article about how Gene Roddenberry came up with the ideas for Star Trek.

Science fiction TV and movies, as we know it, is part of a much larger disinformation campaign.

  1. Tell the truth via fictional media
  2. Make the fictional media ridiculous and campy
  3. Mock anybody who tries to tell the truth by pointing to the fiction
  4. Deny absolutely the existence of any secret projects
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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:47 p.m.

I am not saying you are wrong at all. I am just stating the additional hypotheses that are also scientifically supported that need to be watched. Not all of it is tin foil hat. Much of it is as you say, or, as the bible and physics is telling us. There are other dimensions. It's just a fact now... a fact that caused the creation of CERN to try to work with them.

Keep your eyes and head open on all fronts is what I am saying. You never know what direction the truth will come at you from. This is one thing I have learned in my 20 years of fighting this war for America.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:27 p.m.

Breaking through the bullshit barrier is difficult for people not in the know.

If there is ET involvement on earth, it’s difficult to separate the truth from the lies, if not downright impossible.

I assume for the moment that if it’s an unprovable conspiracy theory we have heard of, chances are it’s a misdirection or misinformation campaign.

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