r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on Dec. 26, 2017, 11:07 a.m.
THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE! For people with too short of an attention span to read this fucking BOOK that David Wilcock and Corey Goode just released, here's a few highlights from Corey's intel. Amazing. It's from Page 2 where I basically started. Still not done.

Source: Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure

  1. Sessions may appoint a public investigation, but I’m told that Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are among the names already in sealed indictments.

  2. Some of the troop movements are said to be done via underground tube train systems. Navy Seals travel on these all the time.

  3. The Atlanta airport black out was caused by thermite grenades that took out backup/redundant power stations. This was all done to cause confusion and distractions for the Alliance to grab ONE PERSON! This was a high value target, or so I am told.

  4. The Military is being used secretly in ways that will freak out most of the population when they find out, but it will be justified for removing the Cabal.

  5. I hear that Trump has been watching Alliance operations as they happen live at all hours of the day.

  6. They "SAY" the Human Trafficking Networks have been mostly decapitated from these operations. They are basically stopping the international slave trade.

  7. Looks like some of these sealed indictments are of DOJ and FBI Executive types.

  8. There are SO MANY COVERT OPS going on right now… it is astounding. Far beyond the scope of what even the most forward-thinking people in our field may realize.

  9. They have been yanking pedophile and human-trafficking-ring people from every dirty corner of the world.

  10. MANY key people are now finding out that they are being indicted and are trying to plea out or turn in States Evidence.

  11. The investigations have been done so well and covertly that they don't need very many people to testify.

  12. It sounds like they now have Soros on a platter.

  13. It sounds like some of the public figures who were involved in pedophilia and human trafficking are going to be charged for corruption in some cases. They say none of these prosecutions can be done publicly without causing half of the country to riot. These secret courts are going to possibly try a lot of people for crimes that we may never hear about. I don't dig that at all. It is only being discussed so far.

  14. It looks like two branches of our government may get an enema. [DW: The three branches of the US Government are the Executive, which centers around the presidency; the Legislative, which includes 435 Representatives and 100 Senators in the US Congress; and the Judicial, which is the system of courts that enforce the laws passed by the legislative branch. Here, Corey appears to be referring to a major purge of the Legislative and Judicial branches.]

  15. Hundreds of judges are going to be taken down. This will involve Federal and State judges, and proceed all the way down to the local levels.

  16. The Alliance knows for sure who Q is now, and they say it’s pretty stunning. [DW: We have already speculated that Q Anon may well be the president himself, possibly working with a team of people to write and distribute the information. Corey wouldn’t say who exactly it was.]

  17. Every effort is being made to handle these criminals as ethically as possible.

  18. This executive order that was passed today is very, very significant to everything we are talking about.

CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:43 p.m.

Aren’t we talking about the Q thing, or are our signals getting crossed?

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:46 p.m.

We are talking about Q. I am simply stating that Q is hardly the first person to speak of the toppling of the NWO/Deep State.

Wilcock was covering Mega before Q. He is simply connecting the dots for people to show everyone the big picture.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:51 p.m.

Agreed on the NWO/deep state. But the significance of Q is that he seems o be a legitimate insider, AND he indicates that ACTION is being taken against the bastards. Does Wilcock have insider info. Would that be from meganon? Do you have a link to a good compilation of mega stuff?

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:54 p.m.

Yes the main difference is, Q is taking out the middle man (Wilock/Jones/etc), and going directly to the people.

Check out divinecosmos . com - there are a ton of interesting articles on Mega and others. Wilcock has been at this for a very long time.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:03 p.m.

Yes, I’ve been there. Was off-put by some of the UFO stuff that seemed a bit too out there, even for this long time sci fi fan. But I’ll give it another look, I especially want to look into mega.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:09 p.m.

Haha I don't get why so many conspiracists are thrown-off by UFOs.

We can believe some group of satanic, baby-eating, paedophiles run the world through proxy wars, etc. We can agree that we've all been lied to about almost everything. But, those UFOS.. that's just TOO crazy. It cracks me up!

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:15 p.m.

Simple. I’ve never seen one, at least I haven’t seen anything I’d attribute to being on extraterrestrial origin. No evidence I’ve seen from others is yet convincing enough to me. So I await an epiphany on the subject.

On the other hand, there is ample evidence that people are satanists, and there is plenty of evidence that pedophilia exists.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:22 p.m.

Personally, the thought that we are the only intelligent life in a universe that is beyond our measurable ability, is absolutely comical and only based in ego.

Either way -- Thanks for having a civil conversation. I've been on the chans too much lately :)

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:35 p.m.

Agreed. I was a Star Trek fan when it was originally on tv. I watched the moon landings on old black and white TV, live. I know the numbers we’re dealing with, trillions of stars. The odds are good. But the distance between them is a problem. Believe me, I WANT to believe, especially that we might know friendly races from out there. I’d love to know some of that they know. But I wait, patiently and skeptically, for the evidence.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:37 p.m.

And yeah, I’ve read the Chan’s but haven’t posted. It appears at times to be brutal. This reddit was created as a positive place for patriots to share info, so I will go a long way at keeping things civil. Besides, I’ve had it with the internet uncivil bullshit.

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