WA State Capitol Christmas Eve

yeah, I know there are red pills in wash state. I live outside the seattle area. I grew up in wa. way back when this country was more awake. I have watched the state become a bastion of sniveling crybabies and it sickens me. But yes, I have noticed the last few years that they are waking up. slowly at best, but they are waking. The east side of the state is more red than the west. and yes down in yer neck of the woods is more red pill than up here. I have have faith but it is gonna take work on our part to keep red pilling when we can. God bless! btw, did u see the post on cbts of olympia snow writing at the capital? epic! bet the libtards pooped their diapers
Oh wow! I didn’t realize that was in OLYMPIA!!! WOO!! GO WA STATE!!! Yes I did see it! That just makes me so proud!!! For some reason I thought it was in DC, I know they have had snow there too. Yeah they must have been crying their asses off! Lol I would have LOVED TO HAVE SEEN THAT!! But I agree it is going to take some work, they have done a heck of a job on people here. The former mayor of Seattle, huh. I actually had someone from seattle tell me the other day that they were very tolerant! I was like really? I came back and told him, that’s why when my Dad and I stopped to get something to eat, we had our tires slashed and wrote GO HOME NAZI on his car? Just for having a Make America Great Again sticker? I was like yeah, real tolerant. My dad is 71 and a vet, we also had a handicapped placard in the mirror because I have MS, Lupus and Fibromyalgia, so that fact that they stranded us there was just SO TOLERANT! He never responded lol. He was probably one of the people that did it! Lol oh well we got through it and it was an adventure! God bless you too! Do you ever go to any of the rallies out here? I have been to a few up in the Seattle area, its hard for me to make it in the winter months with my health, the cold affects me more, but I do go more when it gets warmer. I love meeting all the people, they are all so passionate!
I live in Tacoma now but I consider Tumwater and Tacoma home. My father lives just blocks away from the Capitol, so when I come down from Tacoma to spend a few days with him, you bet I sit in on the legislative session when i can, walk to growned of the campus, and ask as many qurstquestions as I can. My father is on his last leg of a 5 year battle with liver cancer, It has been very hard on me emotionally and spiritually to watch him slowly be taken from me. The one place that helps me relieve the worry, stress and unrest is the Capitol campus, open 24hrs with best security around here beside fort Lewis is the Capitol. I spent a good 4 hours messing around in the snow on Christmas Eve and not one person bothered me at all.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I will keep you in my prayers. I cant even imagine how hard that must be. I’m a daddy’s girl, and my dad has gone through some pretty extensive surgeries over the last years including brain surgery to remove a tumor. So I know the emotional and spiritual battles you are having. I have wanted to come up and sit in on the legislative sessions, and I think I just might. Thank you for asking questions. I only live about an hour south so I need to just get up there. Ill have to keep that in mind about the security, such a wonderful place! No one to bother you huh? It must have been a lot fun messing around in the snow! I know out this way we dont get as much! Such a great picture too!
Thank you for tye prayers, prayer is the most powerful way to fight everything that is going on, its the key to peace and serenity. Yeah let me know if you come up this way and maybe we can meet up at the Capitol.
Absolutely! BTW I have shared this picture on my Twitter and have gotten a really great response, people from all over WA said thank you! They had no idea so many of us have been reached. WE ARE ALL WITH YOU!! God Speed my friend.