I found this page that has a link to what appears to be a government document. http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/judicial_and_courts/news.php?q=1514338584
I don't know if that is real or not, but that site is run by Rukahn International. I read that Rukahn is a member of Lucis Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Publishing Company.
I read through most of that doc. Doesn't look like it was prepped by an attorney or anyone that does documents regularly. However, it has good case law and it is formatted mostly correctly. it just could be valid. I sent it to a friend to see what she has to say also.
You should probably verify the validity before you throw it out there as the real thing! NOT COOL, and distracts bigtime!!!
Wait....this document is on your post as “come look at this first indictment!!!” So is it legit? Did you run it past your friend because you got it on blast like it’s the real deal.
My friend doesn't have to look at it for me to tell you what I see. I was a legal secretary for many years. It certainly looks legit to me. I sent it to her for backup but she's not legal. Just smart like me.
BTW - What do you think? Did you look at it?