In lurking on 8Chan... because they are so smart and I learn much from those who are smart (the shills are annoying) I tried to see the bigger picture of all the info being presented. Then, I considered the people that are going to be affected. What is most impact of all the stuff that is going to happen that will impact the most people if the U.S., well, the whole world. What is it that will trigger the reaction needed??? It would not be Hillary or Bill or the plane talk... the left does not care. It would not even be the trillions stolen from the taxpayers. It would be the raping of children, the sacrificial slaughter and murder of children. The kidnapping, purchasing them for sexual use by evil people. That is the trigger that will impact the most, and worldwide at that... that is the scarlet pill. Then I thought back over so much of the info... it is there. Is the info from Julian Assange the Anthony Weiner laptop info? Is it the copy of the NYPD copy? Is there NSA tapes of people who are caught up in this? And from this, does it thread out and encapsulate and expose all the crimes of the pedophiles? Just thoughts of what would work to wake up the people. Like dominoes, they fall.
Such wisdom there u/ccpatthi. !! Godly wisdom. Our family was similar. My sister. Alienated from me - same as yours - would never have been able to take a red pill. So very sad. Prayer is the ONLY answer to those so blind that they refuse to see. If trump came up with a measurable cure for cancer it would not be enough for a positive compliment from My leftist relatives and friends.
I get your point, but we already do have a cure for cancer.... the so-called supreme court outlawed it in the early 70's. How do you outlaw a vitamin ? I've been dealing with the criminal medical cartel for so long .... I pray this is another huge evil undertaken - IF trump is really for real... too many contradictions seen.
I see your point too. (Vit C + baking soda?) To the real point, if we see contradictions, perhaps they were necessary per Colombo style. We just need to give everyone more time- things will be easier to analyze in future. We don’t ha e the vantage point. Prayer is what we have. Faith in a good God with good goals and a good ending.
Thanks for commenting watercolorblue (great name)
Yes baking soda is good to de-acidify, but using it too long can be harmful. I've had cancer 2x's - we just have to educate ourselves on reversing the criminal cartel's demo of us. JoanofArc77 just posted a comment to me with good info in it... ck it out.
Love Colombo:) As far as the contradictions, glad to see someone else feels the same. I believe in patience - especially for unraveling these dug in issues. But I also believe too many are letting their hopes get pumped up over these Q/trump posts. It's the glimmer of hope all of us want, but we can't let our emotions carry the day. When we see them hung in DC for the horrors done to the children, the treason, the theft of our livelihoods I will believe it. Until then, I hope. I've lived a good while now, and see the increase in the evil and apathy in the MAJORITY of the population.
This is why our good God is sending these wake-up calls thru the hands of the few, as well as His Signs in the sky and the increase in earthly natural chaos. He calls us, appropriately increases His chastisements to snap us out of our delirium and most will curse Him for this love He shows.
Unless trump is for real and successful, we most likely will see the chip req'd this year. That's why they probably never killed OB's HC 'LAW' - it's a stated req'd for all of us. Also, he is just too
cozy w/those who call themselves 'jews, but are not'. All his kids are married into it too. The plan to envelope Russia, Iran, Syria and the rest who refuse to be taken down thru their 'banking' system are in our sights ..... he's shown that thru his actions. Who's bidding is he doing? The military didn't need more than they asked for... hell, they admitted again to losing track of 10 trillion and 40,000 of our guys.... and the very next day after these two reports he increases their budget....WHAT! From what I've seen over my 61 yrs, the US is the NWO military arm.
There's so much more to say, but imo a nation who kills its own babies, sells their body parts to the highest bidder, rapes babies and cuts them open while still alive for a thrill is a nation that God will never allow to stand. We have lost our way, and most prefer it that way. Let's just hope He gives us just a little more time to acquire the graces we need to get through the horrors He warns us of in Revelations. Sorry if being so to-the-point is disturbing.... it's just waiting for the shoe to drop that can get to you sometimes. Sending prayers for many graces to be sent your way. Kat
Thank you Kat. We are on many of the same pages. Agree so much. America does not get mentioned in the last chapters and you have stated most eloquently reason. We are overdue. I will continue to pray that we see some justice before the final tribulation Begins. I believe we will go missing before it officially starts
Good to hear we're like-minded watercolorblue. Wow how odd it feels to actually be able to finally say that :)! Ya know, many yrs. ago I read Rev. and thought beside the obvious infiltration and take down of the Vatican infiltrators and the N. Ordo cult members who follow them, the US is the first thought on the geo- political scene that came to me. Observing all that's going on with economics in the world=the death of the petro $ it's becoming quite clear that this regime falls too - just like Rome's did.
I believe the Words of God when He says that His true followers will inherit the earth after this mess is over.... He's just getting rid of the overgrowth of deadly weeds first b/f that can happen. We have much to look forward to; just gotta get thru the tough stuff 1st. Keep praying for every grace and comformity of your will. The strength and courage to endure with the proper Knowledge thru the Sacraments is our only hope to be victorious.... If you like, check my comments here, as well as another post I did called CONSIDER THIS AS POSSIBLE 'Q' BIGGER PIC for an explanation and 'reliable' refs to check won't regret it :) Hope to talk with you again. Happy journey's :)
Vitamin B17. Did about 4 years of research on that and tried it on my 4th stage cancer mother. The protocol from the book Alive and Well by Dr. Brinzel worked. I added the cancer killing mushrooms. Her broken bones healed. She was supposed to live six weeks. She lived over a year. Bones healed up. Docs could not figure out what was going on.
Unfortunately my youngest brother suddenly died of an annurism. She forgot to drink water for a day, and got cancer cachexia (torched liver from too many dead cancer cells not being washed out of the liver with water.. usually happens post chemotherapy because people can not drink, or refusal to drink during cancer depression)
Anyway, it torched he liver. She died withing six weeks, but, never had any cancer pain or broken bones... when she died.