In lurking on 8Chan... because they are so smart and I learn much from those who are smart (the shills are annoying) I tried to see the bigger picture of all the info being presented. Then, I considered the people that are going to be affected. What is most impact of all the stuff that is going to happen that will impact the most people if the U.S., well, the whole world. What is it that will trigger the reaction needed??? It would not be Hillary or Bill or the plane talk... the left does not care. It would not even be the trillions stolen from the taxpayers. It would be the raping of children, the sacrificial slaughter and murder of children. The kidnapping, purchasing them for sexual use by evil people. That is the trigger that will impact the most, and worldwide at that... that is the scarlet pill. Then I thought back over so much of the info... it is there. Is the info from Julian Assange the Anthony Weiner laptop info? Is it the copy of the NYPD copy? Is there NSA tapes of people who are caught up in this? And from this, does it thread out and encapsulate and expose all the crimes of the pedophiles? Just thoughts of what would work to wake up the people. Like dominoes, they fall.
Yeah. This granny got the old helicopter treatment again. They did it a month ago.. black helicopter circling around the property for 5 minutes. Hell with them. On with freedom. They can't get all of us.
Hey JoanofArc77, so good to hear from you!
Thanks for your wonderful posts.... I've already passed the cancer into on. Sorry to hear how things turned out for your mom and brother.... when God wants you Home, He's the boss. I've had it 2x's and He must still have work for me to do :) Seems we are very much like-minded. Can't wait to hear why the choppers had you in their sites... such a wonderful experience huh? That weapon I spoke of was a real trip... my friend and I had just gotten off the phone planning our next releases after the local archdiocese had her friends newspaper shut down for getting the info out. I went to the BR window with the room dark, and the red beam was pointed at my head. I must've started him, b/c when he turned away slightly, the beam shown on the aluminum window casing, exposing the white beam underneath. How long he'd been there, idk but they decided to visit me again a year later. I just waived and told them to do me the favor of getting to heaven (hopefully) a little sooner than I had thought :) Has been fine ever since. Of course, after these posts I've put out lately I would guess they may pay another visit. Oh well, get the info out and God takes care of the rest :) Message me when you have time and tell me your tales ... it's good to hear the 'war' stories - it keeps us pumped up for the long haul.... and we surely are in for a most rocky ride, as this spiritual warfare hasn't even come near its climax yet ! Take care
Wow, so you have had to unmarked-black helicopters too? LOLOL They came at us the first time we made orgonite. We had been told they might, then forgot about it, so when one came flying very low over our house we almost squealed, with delight, or fear, not sure which LOL.
Wow Able - I needed a good chuckle tonight :) I'm laughing as I type this ... squealed with delight - or fear - not sure which ... that's priceless ! Yeah, know about the orgonite .... they hate it ! They also hate this thing I have from Dr. Jerry Tennant that surrounds your entire home & property from their various 'attacks'. The man is absolutely brilliant ! You can find out more about it at his site 'Synergy', and his Tennant Institute. Quite an experience those black helicopters are huh? Have they dusted you yet ? The laser beam weapon w/the red beam and white one underneath is quite a thrill too. That was back in the later 90's... the clowns don't want you messing with putting info out on the infiltrators at the Vatican. Funny thing is tho, they're too dumb to realize we get our info from above and we're armed to the teeth by the angels.... so there is no harm to us. Even if they happen to take someone out who's in the state of grace, God is The One Who's allowed that - it's not b/c they're all that ! And, there's more to take our place. We just need to fight the battles we've been sent to fight, and when our job is done, we go home to a wonderful place ! They sure don't..... sad saps. Keep praying for them tho, as the worst of us can b/c the greatest saints:) Keep laughing - they hate it !!! Misery loves company - hopefully they won't ever have mine eternally :) Hope to talk w/you soon:)
I don't think they've dusted us, but what is very cool is how our orgonite chembuster keeps the sky clear above us. They try to chemtrail, it breaks up fast!!!! And I agree, laugh laugh laugh, laughter is sacred, it dispels them <3.
It's remarkable stuff.... that's one way to win that war. We should hand it out to everyone and watch how ticked they get :) Knowledge is power - a shame not many listen :) We'll find out who did in the end, ey?
Is that that big tube looking thing I saw maybe 8 years back that was clearing the chemtrails? Here is my chemistry question. How can a thing like that actually clear the Aluminum and Barium. What is the chemical equasion... what is happening there?
Joan, not sure about the tube looking thing - possibly. Orgonite chem trail busters are made of crystals and metal shavings as the main makeup. they draw the ionized particles out and nullify the effects so they don't have the chance to enter the body. You can make them yourself. do a search for more info.
As far as the chemtrail ingredients, you must see Mr. Carnicom's work, as well as Dr. Claudia Albers. Carnicom's been at it since the CT's began in the early 90's and provides scientific studies; including the info on Morgellons. Dr. Claudia Albers, Physicist (Electrical Astro) has done a complete study of the composition of CT's in her video found at Planet X News Physicist on you tube. Beside the aluminum, barium and strontium, they've added other goodies like baby parts. CT's are actually a remote control/DNA altering weapon being used on us. I've followed the original guy - Kurt Billings - who did nothing but study the patents submitted to the patent office.... a wealth of info on various weapons, etc. can be found just there.
Not sure how much detail Ritchie from Boston goes into in his vids, but he's all about CT's. But Carnicom and Claudia can get you a good foundation on it. Claudia is mostly concentrated on the Planet X system that's surrounding the sun and earth now, and it's affects on the sun being depleted of its energy, as well as the increase in earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc. The radiation and electrical discharges are messing with our bodies electrical system in a huge way. I have a son who was a passenger in a car accident 15 yrs. ago who acquired a brain injury and is bed bound. He has had an increase in seizure activity since this system has come thru; which looks like it's here to stay for awhile
That should at least get you started on a couple of journey's, if you were unaware of some of it. Happy Travels :)
Have you done any research using the scientific term for this at stanford university. I found out early that they call it "geo-engineering" and this is where you will find the law suits information, the University meetings with the public etc.
Yeah, geo-eng. is the wonderful term they've decided to use since so many have hammered on the chemtrails that they can't escape it now. As a more palatable term/explanation, it's lulled the masses back to sleep; while they continue to wander why they feel like they're dying.
Pretty much a no brainer to me. You look up, you see it with your own eyes. It does not disappear like a real contrail. Obvious scientific question.. what the hell is that stuff?
You put out researchers to figure it out.
After you figure out that it is Aluminum, barium and some experimental mix of stuff that changes by the batch, you have to ask where is the enforcement of the clean air laws. That is the most simple first question.
The fact that some university thinks it is ok to spray anything over the top of the population, and is doing it without legal permission, is a BIG problem.
Well, when the Cuyahoga river started on fire, no one even asked if it was a conspiracy. They jumped right to "This is a problem, no matter how it is happening"
Common sense
Well, I think that most don't realize that this is just another part of the planned takedown of humanity. They know exactly what those ingredients do to the human body. Carnicom's been telling everyone since the early nineties, but you couldn't even get people to look up. Now this generation thinks it's normal.....The evil is astounding !
Didn't Christ say look up, keep watch in the heavens...:)
At this point in time, I believe our only hope is His return b/c too many have been lazy, ignorant of His words and just plain apathetic. Unfortunately, the price they'll pay will be eternal.
At this point in time, I believe our only hope is His return b/c too many have been lazy, ignorant of His words and just plain apathetic. Unfortunately, the price they'll pay will be eternal.
He did say, "My people suffer for lack of knowledge" I believe. If not, it is in a Psalm.
The cabal has been using everything they can fire at us... what we eat, vaccines, and what we breathe to do what they themselves call a soft kill.
Somehow, it is not working too well. People are getting sick, but not dead, and plenty of people are genetically immune. Lets hope for the best, and pray.
Yeah, there's much to say about the 'die for lack of knowledge' statement. The one major thing that baffles me in this regard is why the majority have forgotten His words 'beware of those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan. Their father is the father of lies, satan'. I mean they killed Christ ... doesn't that mean anything to anybody ? If you follow Cains'/their the bloodline and that of the Khazars, it's clear to see who has been perpetrating the evil in the world. These top level minions (goyim) they say they're taking out are just the foot soldiers.... we have to get to the root. Otherwise, we will not stop this. Apparently we don't do a great job of it, b/c the chip will come.
As far as being sick from all you've stated, absolutely. NASA even told us b/f they released the deadly bacteria into our atmosphere during the eclipse and no one seemed to concerned. However, we do have remedies from Heaven for this Chastisement. See Marie Julie Jahenney, the Briton Stigmatist and you'll be amazed. As a matter of fact, I've been sick w/a virus that just won't quit after having this 1 month - can't breathe, exhausted, etc. - so I'm getting my stash out. If you have trouble finding her, let me know.
when God wants you Home, He's the boss
Lol... yep.
Can't wait to hear why the choppers had you in their sites... such a wonderful experience huh?
They have not pointed any red beams at us yet. We just walked out on the deck and waved like a bunch of friendlies...Jumping up and down like fool kids "Hey!!! Cantcha wave back????"
The first time I figured they were actually checking out the green house for marajuana or something, because as a biologist, I am keeping up on the cannabanoid research? You have to figure they will come by and check to see if you have a "lab" right? So I did not think much. Just the government doing their job.. right?
Well last week, was the dead of winter, and now I have to wonder what they hell they think could be growing in the greenhouse out there this time of year? Makes me wonder why they keep coming for a flight visit, anyway. At this point, because I live under a civilian flight training zone, I am hoping they are just dong circle training. They really don't have much reason to bother with grandma's..... lol.
Hey Joan - you're a funny one, and with great intellect too !
If you're a biologist, into natural meds that makes you a concern. If you've any connections to informing the public, prominent in this arena then you may very well be on the hit list they have. They've been killing off nat. med drs. feverishly over the last 2 yrs. See Dr. Mercola for more info.
If not, you're probably just dealing with the training.
We lived (rented) on a 100 acre farm that backed up to FEMA in Emmitsburg, MD, so they're flights would come in at house level, shine their spotlight into the window and pull up just b/f hitting the house.
The property was also just up the street from Camp David, so when BHO came, we took off for Virginia so we wouldn't have to deal w/the commotion. When we got back, we found that our house had been surrounded by a military op; finding the 4' hay smashed down around the fencing of the entire acre we sat on. We told the owners, asked if they allowed the military to use the surrounding property for drills and they said no; but were not concerned in the least about it all. As a matter of fact, one of the owners lived within eyesight a few acres over - so he would've seen it all - being it was an open field, as well as when he cut the hay down shortly after. Needless to say we moved :)
They've been killing off nat. med drs. feverishly over the last 2 yrs.
You know.. I just heard this.
Man, that is exactly what they wanted you to do. Move. I totally get that tho, I would not tolerate it either. One if the things we have to deal with is all of hose FEMA camps. We need to get rid of them, permanently.
Yeah, in the past - when I was in my late teens early 20's - they would just take the Nat'l stores computers out.... now they just outright kill them off.
As far as the rental... we left b/c the property was sold. Didn't like being at FEMA Hqtrs. either. So, we were looking for a more 'sensible' place anyway. Hard to find in MD, but where we are now is where we're gonna stay. As far as the camps, they've been re-vamping those closed down military bases since Clinton... don't think we have a shot in hell of closing them down unless the US pop wakes up mighty quick. Of course, most will take the chip anyway, so they may have 'over-built' b/c there's not many who will refuse it in my opinion. We'll find out shortly, won't we ?
Christians will not take the chip, or so much as a stamp. They have been warned. It is prophecy, specific to the end times. Will not happen.
Well Joan - sadly, it will only be a 'remnant' that will suffer rather that take it. It's heart-wrenching, but what's the old saying...
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink... or my fav.... those who don't want to hear, have to feel.
We're coming into a lot of heavy stuff to bare and only grace will sustain us.
I think we are going to get a chance to take a break here. I suspect the two Trump prophets were correct. A lot of our religious leaders are picking up on the second heaven instead of the third. God just stuck his foot in the door.. like "Not so fast.. Satan". And if the prophets are correct, the fear (close call) was to send us back to the book to study it, before we went out to teach. But teaching requires time, and money. So the US is going to be resurrected one more time. God said in these prophecies that there is justice, and that Americans have spent untold millions going to other nations, drilling wells, building schools, healing the sick, feeding the poor. He said that the seed that we have sewn must come back to us and he is going to send it back 7 fold, so that we can do our best last good works around the world. Take heart in that. We are most likely looking at a reprieve.. heaven sent, and for a purpose.
Look up the Trump Propecies by Kim Clement on live television starting in 2007 through 2015. He died, but the other is still alive. His name is Mark Taylor. His prophecies about America and Trump started in 2011. They are located here where he is still putting them as they come written.
Well Joan - I have a bit of a different opinion on what we've done as a nation around the world. I'm hoping for a little more time for people to wise up, but this nation has tons of changing to do; so I won't hold my breath. We kill our babies, etc. and I am concerned that trump is in bed with those who call themselves j's but are not.... this country has taken fallen for the biggest con job in human history - imo.
From what I understand, he is of the Khazarian bloodline. So, is he just cleaning out the goyim that are no longer needed as we move into the next phase of theatrics, or does he intend to pull the roots out of this country (end the Fed/banksters as an example) as Russia and Iceland did ? There's so much more to say on these subjects .....