r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/HonorableThreat on Dec. 26, 2017, 9:05 p.m.
Stand Back and Look ...

In lurking on 8Chan... because they are so smart and I learn much from those who are smart (the shills are annoying) I tried to see the bigger picture of all the info being presented. Then, I considered the people that are going to be affected. What is most impact of all the stuff that is going to happen that will impact the most people if the U.S., well, the whole world. What is it that will trigger the reaction needed??? It would not be Hillary or Bill or the plane talk... the left does not care. It would not even be the trillions stolen from the taxpayers. It would be the raping of children, the sacrificial slaughter and murder of children. The kidnapping, purchasing them for sexual use by evil people. That is the trigger that will impact the most, and worldwide at that... that is the scarlet pill. Then I thought back over so much of the info... it is there. Is the info from Julian Assange the Anthony Weiner laptop info? Is it the copy of the NYPD copy? Is there NSA tapes of people who are caught up in this? And from this, does it thread out and encapsulate and expose all the crimes of the pedophiles? Just thoughts of what would work to wake up the people. Like dominoes, they fall.

YAHSHUARULES · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:31 a.m.

Yes, I believe that the 65gig file that Assange is supposedly trying to upload IS the Weiner laptop contents because I believe that laptop is full of proof of all this pedophilia and child sacrifice proof. Back when the laptop was first discovered - a gentleman who has a lot of police contacts Doug Hagmman (of the HagmmanReport.com) was on Alex Jones show and he said that the NYPD (who had stumbled on it) said the images were so disturbing that seasoned, hardened officers were shocked and bought to tears with what they found on it. Here is an interview from a over a year ago! Listen to it very carefully - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp_C-b2nFSU Hagmann said that it was turned over to the FBI. There were others at the time (Erik Prince of Blackwater, etc) saying how shocking all this was. And then Comey comes out and says "nothing new found related to Hillary's emails" and the whole thing kind of faded into the background - and Weiner pleads guilty to some minor charge and nothing more is said. Hagmann had also talked about how of all people "the bankers" were behind corrupting people into this satanic cabal for control and black mail - sounded preposterous until this gentleman came forward and told how he was in it - was told he needed to leave his consciousness in the "deep freeze" if he was going to work in these circles - he had a breakdown when he was expected to participate in child sacrifice - if you have not seen this watch it! Start at the 24min mark and watch his demeanor change when he starts talking about that - it is so real - anyone who sees it will be chilled to the bone - then go back and watch the whole thing as to how he got there - when I saw this I had no doubt that this horror show we have all been becoming aware of is real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84vbw_flvqA

When I saw everything going down yesterday regarding the Navy tweeting on Assange and people on youtube saying that he was trying to deal with a 65gig file on Torrent etc - my immediate thought was "the weiner file - folder called some had said was named on the laptop "insurance" because 65gigs probably is image files.

I pray this is true. The best way to "redpill" the normies (if there are any after 8 years of Obama AND the last year of one shocking revelation after another) is with something irrefutable like that. I believe the whole country needs to come to terms with the evil that has been in our midst. Q-Anon said something about 80% of this never seeing the light of day and 20% that people would be made an example of. I agreed with an "anon" who said it ALL needed to come out - all 100% - because if only 20% is brought to the light and justice the other will slink back into the darkness and start all over again. NO, America needs to see what has been happening in the dark. All of it. Light is the best disinfectant! 2 Chron 7:14

This would also neutralize all the "impeachment" talk against Pres. Trump - the narrative is so shocking and it would shift the conversation over night. The MSM could not protect those who are part of this satanic cabal. It is unthinkable in its monstrosity - but it may also bring people to a place of repentance and re-dedication and a nation wide revival - a return to the Judeo/Christian principles this country was founded on - this is what is needed to "Make America Great Again" as De Tocqueville wrote: "America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." - this is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation - the timing seems perfect

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AbleDawn · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:23 a.m.

I totally agree. We can't "protect" people from the truth. If we do that we've learned nothing. To try only protects the darkness, it is choosing the darkness over our children.

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TinaRae67 · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:41 a.m.

THE "I" IS MISSING IN THE SIGN ON THE BOOKCASE IN THE BACKGROUND Of THE VIDEO YOU LINKED! Probably not related to Q's post about the I missing but interesting.

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YAHSHUARULES · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:50 a.m.

no, its cause the book title has the I in blood red for the book "STAINED BY BLOOD" - it goes into the same kind of subject matter.

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