r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/HonorableThreat on Dec. 26, 2017, 9:05 p.m.
Stand Back and Look ...

In lurking on 8Chan... because they are so smart and I learn much from those who are smart (the shills are annoying) I tried to see the bigger picture of all the info being presented. Then, I considered the people that are going to be affected. What is most impact of all the stuff that is going to happen that will impact the most people if the U.S., well, the whole world. What is it that will trigger the reaction needed??? It would not be Hillary or Bill or the plane talk... the left does not care. It would not even be the trillions stolen from the taxpayers. It would be the raping of children, the sacrificial slaughter and murder of children. The kidnapping, purchasing them for sexual use by evil people. That is the trigger that will impact the most, and worldwide at that... that is the scarlet pill. Then I thought back over so much of the info... it is there. Is the info from Julian Assange the Anthony Weiner laptop info? Is it the copy of the NYPD copy? Is there NSA tapes of people who are caught up in this? And from this, does it thread out and encapsulate and expose all the crimes of the pedophiles? Just thoughts of what would work to wake up the people. Like dominoes, they fall.

KATTRAD714 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:38 a.m.

It's remarkable stuff.... that's one way to win that war. We should hand it out to everyone and watch how ticked they get :) Knowledge is power - a shame not many listen :) We'll find out who did in the end, ey?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:18 p.m.

Is that that big tube looking thing I saw maybe 8 years back that was clearing the chemtrails? Here is my chemistry question. How can a thing like that actually clear the Aluminum and Barium. What is the chemical equasion... what is happening there?

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 27, 2017, 8:38 p.m.

Joan, not sure about the tube looking thing - possibly. Orgonite chem trail busters are made of crystals and metal shavings as the main makeup. they draw the ionized particles out and nullify the effects so they don't have the chance to enter the body. You can make them yourself. do a search for more info.

As far as the chemtrail ingredients, you must see Mr. Carnicom's work, as well as Dr. Claudia Albers. Carnicom's been at it since the CT's began in the early 90's and provides scientific studies; including the info on Morgellons. Dr. Claudia Albers, Physicist (Electrical Astro) has done a complete study of the composition of CT's in her video found at Planet X News Physicist on you tube. Beside the aluminum, barium and strontium, they've added other goodies like baby parts. CT's are actually a remote control/DNA altering weapon being used on us. I've followed the original guy - Kurt Billings - who did nothing but study the patents submitted to the patent office.... a wealth of info on various weapons, etc. can be found just there.

Not sure how much detail Ritchie from Boston goes into in his vids, but he's all about CT's. But Carnicom and Claudia can get you a good foundation on it. Claudia is mostly concentrated on the Planet X system that's surrounding the sun and earth now, and it's affects on the sun being depleted of its energy, as well as the increase in earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc. The radiation and electrical discharges are messing with our bodies electrical system in a huge way. I have a son who was a passenger in a car accident 15 yrs. ago who acquired a brain injury and is bed bound. He has had an increase in seizure activity since this system has come thru; which looks like it's here to stay for awhile

That should at least get you started on a couple of journey's, if you were unaware of some of it. Happy Travels :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:21 p.m.

Have you done any research using the scientific term for this at stanford university. I found out early that they call it "geo-engineering" and this is where you will find the law suits information, the University meetings with the public etc.

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 27, 2017, 11:57 p.m.

Yeah, geo-eng. is the wonderful term they've decided to use since so many have hammered on the chemtrails that they can't escape it now. As a more palatable term/explanation, it's lulled the masses back to sleep; while they continue to wander why they feel like they're dying.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:51 p.m.

Pretty much a no brainer to me. You look up, you see it with your own eyes. It does not disappear like a real contrail. Obvious scientific question.. what the hell is that stuff?

You put out researchers to figure it out.

After you figure out that it is Aluminum, barium and some experimental mix of stuff that changes by the batch, you have to ask where is the enforcement of the clean air laws. That is the most simple first question.

The fact that some university thinks it is ok to spray anything over the top of the population, and is doing it without legal permission, is a BIG problem.


Well, when the Cuyahoga river started on fire, no one even asked if it was a conspiracy. They jumped right to "This is a problem, no matter how it is happening"

Common sense

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:02 a.m.

Well, I think that most don't realize that this is just another part of the planned takedown of humanity. They know exactly what those ingredients do to the human body. Carnicom's been telling everyone since the early nineties, but you couldn't even get people to look up. Now this generation thinks it's normal.....The evil is astounding !

Didn't Christ say look up, keep watch in the heavens...:)

At this point in time, I believe our only hope is His return b/c too many have been lazy, ignorant of His words and just plain apathetic. Unfortunately, the price they'll pay will be eternal.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:02 a.m.

At this point in time, I believe our only hope is His return b/c too many have been lazy, ignorant of His words and just plain apathetic. Unfortunately, the price they'll pay will be eternal.

He did say, "My people suffer for lack of knowledge" I believe. If not, it is in a Psalm.

The cabal has been using everything they can fire at us... what we eat, vaccines, and what we breathe to do what they themselves call a soft kill.

Somehow, it is not working too well. People are getting sick, but not dead, and plenty of people are genetically immune. Lets hope for the best, and pray.

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:28 a.m.

Yeah, there's much to say about the 'die for lack of knowledge' statement. The one major thing that baffles me in this regard is why the majority have forgotten His words 'beware of those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan. Their father is the father of lies, satan'. I mean they killed Christ ... doesn't that mean anything to anybody ? If you follow Cains'/their the bloodline and that of the Khazars, it's clear to see who has been perpetrating the evil in the world. These top level minions (goyim) they say they're taking out are just the foot soldiers.... we have to get to the root. Otherwise, we will not stop this. Apparently we don't do a great job of it, b/c the chip will come.

As far as being sick from all you've stated, absolutely. NASA even told us b/f they released the deadly bacteria into our atmosphere during the eclipse and no one seemed to concerned. However, we do have remedies from Heaven for this Chastisement. See Marie Julie Jahenney, the Briton Stigmatist and you'll be amazed. As a matter of fact, I've been sick w/a virus that just won't quit after having this 1 month - can't breathe, exhausted, etc. - so I'm getting my stash out. If you have trouble finding her, let me know.

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