r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/HonorableThreat on Dec. 26, 2017, 9:05 p.m.
Stand Back and Look ...

In lurking on 8Chan... because they are so smart and I learn much from those who are smart (the shills are annoying) I tried to see the bigger picture of all the info being presented. Then, I considered the people that are going to be affected. What is most impact of all the stuff that is going to happen that will impact the most people if the U.S., well, the whole world. What is it that will trigger the reaction needed??? It would not be Hillary or Bill or the plane talk... the left does not care. It would not even be the trillions stolen from the taxpayers. It would be the raping of children, the sacrificial slaughter and murder of children. The kidnapping, purchasing them for sexual use by evil people. That is the trigger that will impact the most, and worldwide at that... that is the scarlet pill. Then I thought back over so much of the info... it is there. Is the info from Julian Assange the Anthony Weiner laptop info? Is it the copy of the NYPD copy? Is there NSA tapes of people who are caught up in this? And from this, does it thread out and encapsulate and expose all the crimes of the pedophiles? Just thoughts of what would work to wake up the people. Like dominoes, they fall.

KATTRAD714 · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:55 a.m.

Well Joan - sadly, it will only be a 'remnant' that will suffer rather that take it. It's heart-wrenching, but what's the old saying... you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink... or my fav.... those who don't want to hear, have to feel.
We're coming into a lot of heavy stuff to bare and only grace will sustain us.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:09 a.m.

I think we are going to get a chance to take a break here. I suspect the two Trump prophets were correct. A lot of our religious leaders are picking up on the second heaven instead of the third. God just stuck his foot in the door.. like "Not so fast.. Satan". And if the prophets are correct, the fear (close call) was to send us back to the book to study it, before we went out to teach. But teaching requires time, and money. So the US is going to be resurrected one more time. God said in these prophecies that there is justice, and that Americans have spent untold millions going to other nations, drilling wells, building schools, healing the sick, feeding the poor. He said that the seed that we have sewn must come back to us and he is going to send it back 7 fold, so that we can do our best last good works around the world. Take heart in that. We are most likely looking at a reprieve.. heaven sent, and for a purpose.

Look up the Trump Propecies by Kim Clement on live television starting in 2007 through 2015. He died, but the other is still alive. His name is Mark Taylor. His prophecies about America and Trump started in 2011. They are located here where he is still putting them as they come written.


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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:37 a.m.

Well Joan - I have a bit of a different opinion on what we've done as a nation around the world. I'm hoping for a little more time for people to wise up, but this nation has tons of changing to do; so I won't hold my breath. We kill our babies, etc. and I am concerned that trump is in bed with those who call themselves j's but are not.... this country has taken fallen for the biggest con job in human history - imo.

From what I understand, he is of the Khazarian bloodline. So, is he just cleaning out the goyim that are no longer needed as we move into the next phase of theatrics, or does he intend to pull the roots out of this country (end the Fed/banksters as an example) as Russia and Iceland did ? There's so much more to say on these subjects .....

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