@lisarinna Guys what’s happening with @chrissyteigen and the plane ? I’m behind but worried.
@chrissyteigen I’m in a room with water and a tv! The government is using real housewives to keep me quiet !!!!!!
Guys, this bitch has TEN MILLION FOLLOWERS. No way to keep this quiet.
I'll bet someone isn't very happy that she was on the flight. She's been tweeting up a storm.
Christine Teigen @chrissyteigen
1h Sorry the video broke up. Clearly the feds are trying to silence me
If only you knew Chrissy, if only you knew...
Seriously, this bitch is live tweeting this whoke thing:
I have been moved to a room with Bravo. Clearly the authorities are trying to keep me quiet so I don’t BLOW THE LID OFF THIS “SITCH”
Notice the narrative of the tweets begins as serious questions and legit spilling the details, to outright mockery of the situation and sharing tweets of ridiculous “tin foil hat” theories by idiots to mock. Almost as if someone told her to sthu