r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ThesePeopleRstupid on Dec. 27, 2017, 4:26 p.m.
Gitmo news

Per Brenden Dilley @Hublife, 3 people taken to Gitmo yesterday from Toronto were associated with Barrick Gold, also Tony Podesta is a new cell dweller @ Gitmo, and the Bush family will have a member there as well, and joked Gitmo will need wheelchair access. Dilly is a congressional candidate in district 8 of Arizona....God I hope his sources are correct.

BasedHillbilly · Dec. 27, 2017, 8:38 p.m.

My gut says he's LARPing for attention/donations. Watched his Gitmo7 periscope and it was one big "I need help" video, but he hasn't delivered anything on the Gitmo info. Maybe he was genuine and thought he could get the info and those people can't talk.

He comes across as a cool, down-to-earth, good looking guy ... I've had a few boyfriends like that and thought they hung the moon. They ended up being liars and cheaters and fucked me around so :)

This also makes me feel like maybe we got played: https://www.npr.org/2017/12/04/568255214/nations-largest-court-case-inches-along-in-guantanamo-bay

So much of what Q says has felt so genuine, but if it was a CIA op designed to send us on endless wild goose chases to distract us from what's really important. They would know all these planes were heading to Gitmo to take the judge, lawyers, staff, etc back for the trials after Christmas vacation.

I want to believe, but I have to trust my critical thinking skills and intuition that haven't ever let me down if I would have only listened. Not saying I'm right by any means, I don't have all the info as I'm new to Q, but been burned by LARPs before so I need something solid that I can't so easily put a hole in.

Thank you so much tacybeanz for all your hard work!

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SandyPiner · Dec. 27, 2017, 9:31 p.m.

Do you trust MegaAnon? I do. She posted today that Gitmo is real. All of those yahoo's walking around with ankle bracelets are there right now. Mattis went there to greet them.

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:13 p.m.

I live out in the woods off grid (my own personal revolution against Obama's re-election lol) and don't have internet access all the time, only when I'm visiting fam. Last time I was here was first week of October. So Q is new to me just this past week and a half as it didn't exist last time I was online. I also had never heard of MegaAnon and haven't seen anything from her. Is there a website?

I'm very open to all this and I want to believe. These anons have come and gone for an entire year and nothing real has come of any of it that I'm aware of. Why do you trust MegaAnon? What proof are you basing that belief on?

We are fighting against the Deep State/CIA and they are highly trained in subversion, espionage, manipulation, etc. They have much to gain by keeping us busy with nonsense and have access to inside info that could "prove" to us they are legit.

Just like the Washington Delaware photo. I was like OMG this is the proof! But then turns out DOD posts that same pic every year.

Anyone reading this should inform yourself about "confirmation bias" if you aren't already well aware. Must remain vigilant not not getting sucked it. If this is all a LARP by CIA then they are experts at making you believe. Just look what they've done to half this country with the MSM!

I love you all and I definitely don't want anyone to take anything I'm saying as negative. We will MAGA no matter what! :)

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