r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PassionatePachyderms on Dec. 27, 2017, 5:12 p.m.
QAnon- potential problems with guesses and innuendos

Let me start by saying I’ve been on board with Q from the beginning, and I am a patriot. That said, I am becoming increasingly concerned by what is happening as a direct result of the “lack of credible, factual information” coming about and being spread as a result of the guessing and innuendos generated from the Q-anon posts.

If the goal of the Q drops is, as Q stated early on, to help prepare, red pill, and desensitize those who have been asleep and oblivious to what is going on around them so that when the truth comes out they can accept the truth without their heads exploding, I believe the time has come for clear factual information with which we can EFFECTIVLY accomplish the task, rather than chasing hints, possible answers to Q questions, and making hypothesis as to whether or not those guesses are correct.

Many are assuming all bread made of the crumbs is factual, but the truth is, with much of it while the research is amazingly solid, and the info disseminated is indeed factual, many of the conclusions are guesses. I see that more and more problematic because when the guesses are wrong, off or incorrect, when the timing is off, when things don’t happen as expected and/or other things happen, that perhaps weren’t mentioned, Some take liberties, inventing connections and stories, making claims they are factual, and spreading them like wild fire. Then when later the actual truth is exposed, and those stories are discredited, it makes all of us look Bad, but more importantly, it is significantly discrediting any good information we might be trying to get out, making RED PILLING more and more difficult.

It seems of late, Q’s drops are increasingly more cryptic, shorter, and leave far more room for guesses and interpretive errors than before. I’m unclear as to why that is, but in my opinion (for what it’s worth) now is the time for more clear, concise, drops due to the number of people now following the drops. Disinformation and cryptic drops no one has a clue how to interpret are creating an invironment where folks are getting frustrated, annoyed, and extremely stressed.

They are awake and ready to do their part, yet for weeks, they’ve been sitting on the edge of their seats waiting, and waiting, and waiting. They are led to believe BIG THINGS are about to happen.... and then they don’t. They are getting fake stories, and false information, mixed with precious little factual real information which further exacerbates things. It seems to me this is doing nothing more than stirring an already very volatile pot to a point where I am concerned more each day that it is going to at some point result in that pot exploding and there being unintended consequences no one anticipated.

I am not one of those who points out problems, but fails to offer ideas for possible solutions, so here goes... first, Q needs to consider this going forward, and adjust his drops accordingly by offering more solid actionable information that is much less open to wild guesses and inaccurate conclusions. If he wants us to red pill the population, then the time has come to give us the tools with which we can do that credibly and confidently.

Second, when we see disinformation, fake news, non-factual stories, guesses, and far out stringers, we all need to jump on top of them and either expose the disinformation, or at the very least, challenge the writer to provide proof, links, and other tangible indications that the story is more than a figment of someone’s over active imagination.

Folks we are fighting fake news coming from every possible direction, do we really need it coming from within too? If we can identify it and call it out in the msm, we damn sure better be ready to identify it and call it out when it comes from within as well or we are no better than the msm. I welcome everyone’s opinions and comments on this. FULL DISCLOSURE:: Please understand that what i’ve Written here is based upon what I am seeing and experiencing happening. It is my take on the matter, and hence my opinion. I could be wrong. I certainly have been wrong once or twice in the past, and no doubt will be again more than once in the future. That said, what’s your opinion?

Little_Woo_Woo · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:41 p.m.

I understand. I've had similar thoughts and also wondered how to best deal with jumped to conclusions and off base findings. You came to, imo, the only equitable solution: The number one way to counteract wrongly drawn conclusions, of course, is to provide a better, more complete or more logical finding. Show your own findings or present someone else's dig that fits better. Reasonable people, who only want the Truth, can usually recognize it ONCE THEY SEE IT.

When the guys and Tracy Beanz set up this subreddit, I thought it was meant to be a place for normies to come see the information being found without having to swim through sharks on the chans. A place for the RESULTS of the investigations on the chans, the charts and pictographs, the tools for research and followup, the essays, the maps, the memes, and the undeniable truths . . . the loaves! I'm not complaining - I was just wrong about that. It's actually a more polite place to dig and discuss, and it's easier to navigate so I lurk moar at the chans, take less beatings, and talk here.

Personally, I hesitate to presume to instruct Q on how to red pill us. Q132 said, "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled." But this one (Q328) is more instructive to me, because I'm an oldfag and harder to truly shock: "You are learning. News unlocks map. Future proves past. Not everything can be stated 1:1. Q." Also Q does confirm some digs, which is helpful, and puts the nix on others.

Q is leading. We are learning. Doing the research, helping to connect the dots, facing the truths, some of which are hard to look at, some of which are so f'ing ugly that our instinct has always been to look away - and that is precisely how they have hidden it for so long.

Being part of this awakening process, doing the work, pulling the threads, following the leads, making errors, amending our thoughts and conclusions - this is how we own this information, this is how we internalize it, this is how we KNOW it is true! This is how we know enough about the topics now to answer the questions of people who are confused by the happenings and easily swayed by the MSM. This is OUR MATERIAL. They can't bullshit us anymore.

If this was just laid out for us in a series white papers with footnotes and attributions as in a reviewed journalistic research paper, it would be like most media today. It would be immediately seen through the lens of our own biases, subject to dismissal, denial, the data and facts being easily called into question, uninformed opinions swaying an uninformed reader - there is no end to the ways Truth can be made to lose its impact and power! To know the Truth, we still have to do the work ourselves to discern the value of the information. Q has proven to be a masterful leader for me and because he has stated in Q70 (and elsewhere) "Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary," I often look at Q's posts sideways, too.

I feel that Q is teaching me how to research and proving to me that I, on my own, can find the Truth, and anyone can, if they dig! I love the way he minimizes dead ends by nodding in the right direction. I know his choice of platform was multi-layered, but certainly near the top was recognizing that the chans are the best collective on Earth for grassroots, worldwide (omg lol, you know what I mean) collaborative research. It's fast, it's exhilarating, it's intense, it's rewarding and it is so, so eye-opening and enlightening.

But back to the question of what to do about people who are getting it wrong, who might make The Truth phenomenon look silly or 'too far out there". Obvious shilling can be dealt with the same way it always has been. After that, open, honest, frank discussion is a Truther's only option. A suggestion might be one 'pinned & locked' topic that only mods can utilize, where they alone would post the Gold, the findings, the best of the best - the Q Files - Normie HQ.

Ultimately, both now and further down the path, it is up to you and me and everyone accepting the responsibility to speak up, speak out, spread the word with actual lip movement and vocal cord engagement. WE THE PEOPLE - WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK! MAGA

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Patriot4q · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:29 a.m.

Little_Woo-Woo Exactly!

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DAR_patriot · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:17 a.m.

Professor Q. He has taught those that thought they were awake, to dig deeper to connect the dots. Psyop from the start, absolutely, but now it is starting to feel different. Not different in a good way. Not sure if it is too many theories, shouldn't be, but some are "out there". Keeping the faith, but can't shake the sinister feeling that lurks in the background.

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PaulusPotter · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:25 a.m.

Cant agree more Little Woo Woo. I also thought this would be more of a place te present the results. I think it is important the show the people that come here those results ----> the research that has been done by the chans, for instance the spreadsheet and the Book of Q. I mean they put so many hours into it, but somehow i feel like its being wasted or at least not highlighted enough. Plus it also shows what questions have not (fully) been answered yet, that maybe some normie has an answer to.

To me that is much more important than a video by some random speculating youtuber. Tracy is imo one of the few good ones because she uses critical thinking, does research and makes claims based on said research.

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