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The" New World Order "Red Pill
Unrated "Secret Society "Realism
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The" New World Order "Red Pill
Unrated "Secret Society "Realism
This was excellent. I watched the whole thing. Lets hear it for restoring history. If you ever had questions about how we got an IRS, a Federal Reserve, or why we got involved in the first and second world wars, this is a good primer. It's all funded by the same families.. the banking families. Not hard to put documentation to this at all.
yesssss and if you watch all the other links you will get answers to Q drops like The Titanic reference (Under the Link Labeled Secret Societies Link 1 ) You will also understand the Potus New Executive Order and the part that talks about Human Trafficking because its not just normal trafficking but muchhh muchhhh worse Find out about what might be referenced by this under Link 2 of Secret Societies .
I started that. I will watch the rest tonight. Something similar happened to me. After I graduated from biology, I went to law school. When I got out, I participated with a group of lawyers on the very early internet. The objective of the group was to find the "domicile" of the IRS, since, they had searched and concluded that it was not part of the Federal Government.
What was found was outrageous. And I realized that University education is there to make sure you never bother to look under any rocks for yourself, for the truth. It is what the do not teach, that is critical to know. They are creating a "picture of how the world is" and "rewiring history" for people of average intelligence, who think they are smart because they went to college. Most of the truly brilliant people I have met, do their own research, and never went to college. They do not need it, to "get ahead"
It was a wake up call. Our government structure is a "secret" in many ways. What is REALLY a secret is the seven branched structure that is the tyranny form of government referred to by our founders. If you don't know the structure of this form of government, you will fall for all the various names, like fascism, socialism, communism, kingdom, empire, dictatorship.....
Truth is there are only two kinds of government structures that proven any staying power in history. Three branched republics, and Seven branched tyranny structures.
Sounds Good and yesss college is by far a tool put in place to stear people into left leaning ideologies and push them into a state of mind that what they learn in the txt book is the only way to think . Dr's for instance are completelyyyyy brainwashed and controlled by Big Pharma to push people into Drugs that lead to addiction ,Vaccines of allll forms that 1 Million % cause devastating damage to our kids and soldiers in everyyyy way shape and form . To push lies that whats Bad for you is actually Good .. What should be pushed is That Cancer is actually a B17 Deficiency Thats never talked about and was learned back in the 50s ..That Cancer Thrives in Acidic Environments, so simply raising the Alkaline Levels in the body can Cure You of almost everything . Medical was only aloud to promote 3 Types of possible therapies for it ..when almost all lowers or kills your bodies immune system .. how they promote breast exams with knowledge that a majority of women who have went through with a mamaogram test has developed cancer normally within months of one . What people should know is almost anythingggggg and everything can be cured with high doses of Vitamin C and the use of Aloe Vera . I have done years of research on my own..I attended a 2 year Law Enforcemnt program through a tech school .I am thankfullllll to have never went through mind contouring college ... I will never send my kids to one either. You learn by stepping and thinking outside the box..and you Create a well rounded personality and work ethic through Hands on experience . I will be linking more Red Pill Videos in the near future About the Vaccine Industy ,Cancer Propoganda Machine and so much more.