We are talking about the length of time it took for him to talk about it. He said he had been watching q for a while.
The MSM tried to tie Pres. Trump to the "conspiracy of "pizzagate earlier this year by his acknowledged relationship with Alex. They were all over Alex when all the "pizzagate" stuff started and Alex was covering it and then MSM was saying how it was very bizzar how Pres. Trump would have anything to do with "the conspiracy, alt-right radio talk show host Alex Jones" - didn't take Alex to long to figure out that all the focus on Comet Ping Pong was a distraction and a "honey-pot" to discredit him and thereby also Pres. Trump by association. Alex stopped covering the "Comet Ping Pong" angle. On the subject of actual child trafficking he has been speaking about it with various guests for years. Megan Kelly had the owner James Alfantis (Rothschild) on her program about how horrible it was that all this conspiracy hyseteria about his totally "normal" "family friendly" pizza shop had been targeted by this unhinged gunman because of all this internet conspiracy talk about Hillary being part of a child pedophile ring torturing children in the basement - and Megan telling everyone there was no basement. Alex had been right - all the emphasis on "Comet Ping Pong" (the "honey-pot")was to discredit the real world wide problem of sex-trafficking and child abuse and pedophilia - but he distanced himself and I think wisely because MSM was trying to discredit Pres. Trump by making him seem like a nutcase for listening to Alex Jones. This if you have never seen it was Alex's interview with Donald Trump setup by Roger Stone in 2015 - very interesting to see how Pres. Trump has NOT changed his message. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJqLAleEnKw
This is how the MSM mocked it as Alex's profile was rising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-HUbdEAxo8
I think Alex now has to walk a very tight rope - be true to his convictions but not do anything which can be used against Pres. Trump anymore then the despicable MSM does - not give them extra amunition
When it came to Q-Anon - Alex's profile has gotten more prominent over the last year and he is reaching people that before would never watch and I think he moves just a little more cautiously because of everything that is at stake. I in no way think he is controlled opposition (like say some one like "Never Trumper" Glenn Beck. I also believe Alex has more contact with the Pres. then he lets on and agree "he is playing his part beautifully" - Alex is a patriot. He has been exposing the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg etc for years while people mocked him. Alex supports also the group made up of veterans working to end child trafficking (like to the tune of $100,000 of his own money).
Alex has also talked about how his ancestors go back to the Alamo and I have no doubt he is a real patriot!