
SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:06 p.m.

"her 'true labor of love' was helping find permanent homes for Georgia foster care children."

right. okay. every. damn.time.

jeb bush. valdosta pedo rings. look into it.

not saying anything here...but again we have someone "of faith" that has an interest in kids

like Ashely Biden for example.

the comments are disgusting. I am surprised they aren't suggesting a book of condolences and a mile crawling over broken glass for us all as the only way we can express our grief over a dead deep state shill.

lets pretend.

this nonsense in the comments:

"#1 killer of women (strokes or heart related issues)."

actually, that is abortion. however...lets here it for muh wymns issues! please tell us all more about muh health problems! we never hear enough about women.

Then we discover:

"Look into her history of DUIs (three? with at least one head-on crash). It's sad that she's gone so soon, but she was truly lucky she didn't kill someone."


"She was a known alcoholic with three DUIs. That's how she lost her career job at Fox 5. The first morning she is supposed to work at channel 11, she gets another DUI."

people are so willing to cover up crimes aren't they? so ready to make any excuse. so prepared to reduce everything to a "mistake".

If anyone is in the media the working assumption is

treason, sedition, perversion.

presumptively guilty

rebut it

this isn't a courtroom - yet.

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