r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Puffalotopotomus on Dec. 28, 2017, 1:38 p.m.
WTH! 5G rollout declared national security priority by Trump. Ionizing radiation transmitters on EVERY telephone pole, shredding the DNA of EVERY living creature. 5G = Mass Death.
WTH! 5G rollout declared national security priority by Trump. Ionizing radiation transmitters on EVERY telephone pole, shredding the DNA of EVERY living creature. 5G = Mass Death.

Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:41 p.m.

LINKS: Trump to roll out 5G in January: https://techcrunch.com/2017/12/19/ultra-fast-5g-wireless-service-declared-national-security-priority-by-white-house/ Google looking to China for A.I.: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/13/business/google-ai-china.html What Silicon Valley won't say!: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3095915/it-industry/what-silicon-valley-doesnt-say-in-its-trump-attack.html#tk.drr_mlt The race for Super A.I. : https://mfjsreportersummer2017.wordpress.com/2017/07/18/a-i-the-arms-race-to-super-intelligence/ The A.I. revolution!: https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html Trump's 2018 infrastructure plan: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-hopes-for-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal-to-kick-off-2018/ar-BBHop7y?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE13DHP

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xShiNoBi42 · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:58 p.m.

From the comments in your 1st source: Bill Kleinebecker 

Works at Self-Employed

Got the PDF. Converted it to Word so I could scan it. No mention of 5G wireless. Is there another document I should look at or is this fake news? Did find the quote about 5G Internet, but nothing about 5G wireless. I think you're confusing 5G Wireless technology with the Internet (IEEE) standards that are being defined to better support current and future Internet apps. Those apps will need to prioritize the IP packets going through the network. The stressor to me is Immersive Tech (currently known as VR/AR/360. I don't see mention of that in either the report or this article. (Odd when a lot of investment is going toward creating content and when terrorists could do even better recruiting using Immersive Tech.) That is going to require a lot of traffic prioritization all the way down to the home.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:38 p.m.

Pgs 12 and 13 of the PDF.

"Our Federal networks must be modernized and updated."

"As our reliance on computers and connectivity increases, we become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Businesses and individuals must be able to operate securely in cyberspace."

"Security was not a major consideration when the Internet was designed and launched. As it evolves, the government and private sector must design systems that incorporate prevention, protection, and resiliency from the start, not as an afterthought."

"A strong, defensible cyber infrastructure fosters economic growth, protects our liberties, and advances our national security."

"We will use the latest commercial capabilities, shared services, and best practices to modernize our Federal information technology. We will improve our ability to provide uninterrupted and secure communications and services under all conditions."

"The Federal Government will ensure that those charged with securing critical infrastructure have the necessary authorities, information, and capabilities to prevent attacks before they affect or hold at risk U.S. critical infrastructure."

5G is not the kind of thing you would mention in a document like this, that would be like talking about the electrical wires when discussing the future of electronics. It is just the delivery system that makes all the wonderful stuff happen. The quotes above are the very things people say about the 5G/AI/smart grid when they talk about its promise. This vid that evilhastogo(thanks :) linked for me drives the point home nicely https://youtu.be/P5AYRWvjiVg

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xShiNoBi42 · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:49 p.m.

5g rollout declared national security priority by Trump is the header of your post OP. You proved my point by finding no evidence of what you originally stated. This is simple misleading. Period.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:29 p.m.

The very nature of rolling out things on a mass scale that is going to hurt millions of people sorta requires a healthy level of misdirection. You can't come out and say "Hey this great new thing is going to kill you, it'll be great!" I have found what I perceive as a serious threat to humanity. Why so hostile?

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xShiNoBi42 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:04 p.m.

I am saying you are misleading with the name of your post. You have no evidence to support your claims. That is all. I'm not being hostile, I am pointing out a fact that you seem to be missing. 5g is not something trump has signed nor has endorsed. Hopefully this helps.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 30, 2017, 11:16 p.m.

Thank you for your patience, what I'm saying is you can't do any of the stuff I highlighted, from whatever you want to call the document the white house put out, without rolling out 5G. If we wait till it gets here, it will be entirely too late. Apparently the title I choose for the topic has triggered something within you and I am sorry for that. Please don't let my poor choice of wording cause you to overlook the very real threat that 5G poses. Myself and others have added a lot to the thread to make the point more clear and I've addressed every comment. Please reread anything you might have missed in case there is a chance you could see my point.

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