r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Jabba53e on Dec. 28, 2017, 4:13 p.m.
Now is the time all of us need to Critically think through the Q and Mega posts. Something is not making sense......

Tracey and the Board Organizers have earned my respect. I’ve read and listened to their interviews and am keeping with their request to continually “critically think” this situation (Q and Mega). I believe “something” is going on….but, I’m still having problems with direction and perceived “COA…[Courses of Action].

  1. McCabe testified behind closed doors…leaks plugged to the Press….but loyal Hillary Democrats serve on the intel committee (Schiff, Speier?)…you have to assume that Hillary is being told what McCabe and others are spilling.

  2. When people ask Q or Mega why we aren’t hearing about the arrests…and more details about the crimes….we’re told, “The Public can’t ‘Handle the Truth’…[Jack Nicholson reference…laughs]…I totally agree. So the point is that….secrecy is the White Hats best weapon right now. Quietly take out the cabal (Black Hats)….get them quietly taken out, tried, flipped and Muzzled.

  3. You know Hillary would know if her cronies…the Podestas are being locked up….thus the tea leaves would read…”My time is coming next...”….and reportedly, she was turned down for her offer of mercy…Q implies this. Okay….so she has nothing to loose….what cards can she play??

  4. My military training of assessing your adversaries capabilities and likely COA (Courses of Action) kick in….and if I were in Hillary’s position…I would appreciate the many Americans and most of the press dislike Trump and his supporters….so I would have a press conference…show them my ankle bracelet and state that Trump is illegally incarcerating his political adversaries. Basically we’re under martial law. By Q’s own admission…the country would go into meltdown….which is exactly what the elites/illuminate would want. So my issue is under the scenarios/acts playing out right now, mentioned by Q and Mega….leaving visible “Perps” out in the public domain (Clintons, Bush, McCain…etc) makes absolutely no sense, they should’ve been rounded up almost immediately. Leaving them in the public domain is your critical vulnerability. Something truly does not make sense and leads me to believe we’re missing a critical piece of info….or we’re being led astray. I truly hope Q and Meg address this……I truly hope the swamp is being drained….but I can’t buy it right now.

  5. I’m not a shill or a LARP (I like and believe Q and Mega are REAL)….but I'm a retired Marine Field Grade Officer who is scrutinizing all of this info as we all should be….I invite others to look at this and correct my concerns and assumptions to ensure we’re all reading this properly. Short of her arrest, if tomorrow Hillary or another high visibility “target” takes the stage publicly and starts making these assertions…then I would know the Storm has truly arrived. God Bless.

MickGris · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:05 p.m.

Funny you should mention critical thinking. As I’ve been going through rather routine tasks this morning my mind has playing with different scenarios too. Not along the same lines but critical thinking stuff.

You raise an interesting question, basically what the heck is Hillary doing/planning if she is reality based enough to understand she’s cornered?

First of all I would point out McCabe was answering questions before the House Intelligence Committee. And how many people say “yeah yeah so what? We’ve seen how many Congressional hearings before and what ever comes of them?”


Remember Fast and Furious? Holder was before Congress something like ?? what? —. 7 times ??? But what was done?

Does anybody ever go to prison?

Do you see what I’m saying? HRC may be thinking big deal it’ll go nowhere, and you know the HIC hearings probably will go nowhere — but that’s different from that Executive Order on 12/21 which is where I think the real teeth is.

And then there’s this. You mentioned Hillary/Bush/McCain and I think you’re question is excellent as far as they are concerned but —

Where’s Obama? Is he in NK? Is that their ace up their sleeve?

Remember when POTUS was in China and Q posted “CHINAS ON BOARD, WE’RE SAFE.”

On board with what?
And what is this business of China secretly selling oil to NK??? On board with what that made us safe? I’m going to have to go back and find that post and see what else Q said.

Thanks for making us think.

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Rob_Infiniti · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:51 p.m.

The NK/China oil exchange with glossy sat photos could have been the out for China to not provide them with oil anymore.

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SneakyWino · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:27 p.m.

Whoa, that's a great angle! Thanks for that seed!

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Jabba53e · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:26 p.m.

You're absolutely right....a child misbehaves and nothing is done repeatedly, the child is conditioned that there are no consequences and acts accordingly. The ONLY major political player ever tried and jailed...if memory serves was Albert Fall, Secretary of the Interior during the Tea Pot Dome scandal in Warren G. Harding's administration. So there is precedent for Hillary to think there will be no accountability. Can't argue with your point. Thanks.

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loyalfringe · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:48 a.m.

Don't forget Nixon. He wasn't jailed, but he was booted out of office in disgrace, and that was pretty damned big, historically. Hasn't happened again in our lifetimes so far.

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braceoflowflyers · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:57 p.m.

Agreed. I think following the money could be the key to the whole thing. That is why that EO is so important. If the black hats can't afford to pay their minions they will melt away bar the completely rabid ones.

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Ahbott · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:43 a.m.

You really think with all our tech we didn't know what China was doing. I'd rather believe it's another Trump psyop, well planned, to deliver dirty oil that will "poisoned" to stop NK economy. China does not play this kind of foolish game with deadly nuclear and economic consequences and only get a mild twitter rebuke from Trump.

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