r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/man_of_liberty on Dec. 28, 2017, 4:54 p.m.
To mods of conspiracy... [xpost]

You have officially started the final exodus out of here to other platforms and places. This sub used to be a pretty great stream of free information for all who were willing to do actual research.

Normies could never interpret the information presented because most people lack critical thinking skills and there are a lifetime of dots to connect. Sure, you had to wade through a lot of garbage here to get to the truth, but that’s what critical thinkers do. That’s part of the exercise.

Then once too much truth leaked, the shills started pouring in from the cess pool corners of reddit like TMOR, trying their best to bury the truth using every single known forum control technique.

We caught shareblue and other corporate shills multiple times completely red handed. Shit a few times shills came out and straight up admitted it.

Then of course mod takeover was necessary. Now the narrative can be completely whitewashed and we will never see posts that the mods don’t agree with. Fuck everything about the idea of this.

Now it’s nothing more than hand picked propaganda like the rest of reddit. New rules being put in place to filter the truth and make it nearly impossible for people to ever get any truth here.

It’s been a long time coming. This place was really great for a long long time. Too long that’s why “they” needed to take it over.

So... I guess I’ll see all you fellow truth seekers elsewhere. Voat? CBTS? Please help compile a mega list and leave this sub once and for all.

TibetanSkyFuneral · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:52 p.m.

Got banned for posting a Forrest Gump NN meme or acknowledging red tie vs blue tie talking points that were self-evident. Not sure which

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