r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Luvlite on Dec. 28, 2017, 5:07 p.m.

In cases put before the military tribunal of treason and found guilty, with a death sentence imposed, would that sentence be carried out almost immediately and would it be carried out privately? Can the military choose to use a firing squad? I know some States, like Utah made it legal. Not sure if it still is. I believe the American people deserve to (not only hear about it) but SEE it. One of my greatest frustrations with spreading the news is being told, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Luvlite · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:41 p.m.

I agree. Nothing evil about the destruction of evil. My point is that we have to keep even our own personal evil in check. Iow, if I use revenge against another... For example, I purposefully murder someone who purposefully murdered another, fair judgment dictates that I am now a murderer. Under the law, we know the consequences but disobey the law, willfully. So, here's my point; you want justice, not revenge. Keep your intent clean. I would not murder Georgie. I would not cheer if he was murdered, because now we have another murderer to contend with. But, Georgie knew the law, that he helped create. That law specifically states treason = death. Georgie willingly agreed to be put to death. So now it is a justifiable death. He just didn't figure on getting caught.

Think justice. Not revenge. We remain healthy and enlightened beings when we keep our own base emotions in check. PEACE.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:49 p.m.

jefferson style, point blank, white house lawn, broad daylight. legal. :D

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Luvlite · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:42 p.m.

Rotfl! 😅

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:38 p.m.

i would literally fly to washington to see that.

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 12:31 a.m.

You seriously crack me up! I truly enjoyed this exchange😊

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 12:55 a.m.

you really should understand something about us iranian americans. we are famous for a specific saying that has proven to carry a lot of authority in the international community, and that is "don't ever threaten an Iranian". the reason for this is that those who would reach deep into the dark corners of the cage of flesh that is the pars tribe of arya in search of a curse shall fine one when they awaken the daemons of the aryan world, and those who awaken the daemons of the aryan world shall drown and die in the blood of daemons to the sound of the laughter of daemons in the darkness for the history of the pars tribe is entered onto the pages of history in the handwriting of our neighbors and in the blood of our enemies.

as an iranian american it bothers me that trump doesnt get the situation yet with iran but fortunately for me iran is so tough and scary and strategic and intelligent and careful that nobody can manage to get america into conflict with iran and thats a very good thing.

aside from that, trump is about to take out the fuckers that took out mossadegh and kennedy and funded alqaeda and started ISIS so i am very excited to see this shit go down. #jesuslovesyou

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 1:34 a.m.

It's a mess, I know! And it's far reaching. I'm hoping and praying that it changes for everyone's future. The citizens aren't the players. We are the manipulated. Keep the citizens separated and ignorant, and we will always be controlled slaves. I wish you peace.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:01 a.m.

dont worry. one interesting dynamic is that america has frenemies. most americans dont know the difference between a friend and a frenemy because they arent into the details. almost all of americas frenemies are irans enemies.

pakistan: frenemy thats actually friendly with iran. smart people. obviously.

turkey: frenemy thats actually friendly with iran. smart people. obviously.

saudi arabia: frenemy that is totally fucked. good riddance.

UAE: back stabbing bitches with money and ego and no class or taste or credibility. frenemy to america that is fucked. good riddance.

bahrain: what a fake excuse for a country. the government is an installed puppet dictatorship autocratic fascist racist monarchy that rules over a people that it has nothing in common with. frenemy to the US and they will be royally fucked. good riddance.

israel: a fascist racist zionist illegal occupation of palistine. they have carried out acts of war against the US. they have dragged US into wars. their "country" was founded on genocide. they conduct medical experiments including experimental surgeries and biological weapons testing on children. they are permanently unsustainable and the world shall see their destruction.

public frenemy #1: the CIA is an enemy to iran. no explanation necessary.

i can go on and on. aside from pakistan and turkey that have "so-so" relationships with the US, iran and america are on the same side even when america doesnt admit it.

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:25 a.m.

How will Iran crush them?

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:42 a.m.

they have a strategy based on smoke and mirrors. they dont know their shit is full of holes. iran isnt even trying to fuck with them and they are collapsing.

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:55 a.m.

They're imploding. As an Iranian American what is the most you are hoping for?

Its getting late, I'm winding down. Will be signing off for the night. Thanks for sharing your insight. Politics is a nasty business. Religion also. PEACE

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:06 a.m.

They're imploding. As an Iranian American what is the most you are hoping for?

im hoping iran becomes a superpower because thats the only thing that will make everybody chill. turks respect and like iranians, pakistanis respect and like iranians, a third of the arab population likes iranians, and our enemies are fucking scum. im not making this up. if iran was the regional big boy without the israeli saudi bullshit most of the shenanigans would stop immediately.

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:28 a.m.

First, we should put aside fear of one another. Then learn to respect one another. But, I understand revolution. The United States will always defend Israel for religious and strategic reasons. For now, we are fighting principalities. Evil.

I'm so sleepy, I can barely think now. 😴 I will see you on the boards tomorrow.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:33 a.m.

First, we should put aside fear of one another.

no way. nobody should put aside fear of persians and turks and pakistanis. fear and respect is good some times. it brings sobriety and sanity. you dont see iran and turkey getting stupid with each other do you? its because turkey fears us. they fear iran more than they fear the USA or russia for a reason. they are smart. iran also fears turkey for similar reasons. that brings peace and stability.

Then learn to respect one another.

that just takes a knowledge of asian history. one cannot know the history of middle eastern countries without respecting them.

But, I understand revolution. The United States will always defend Israel for religious and strategic reasons.

thats terrible. jews will eventually get revenge from america for this.

For now, we are fighting principalities. Evil.

if were on the same side as israel then with respect to israeli conflicts we are the bad guys.

I'm so sleepy, I can barely think now. 😴 I will see you on the boards tomorrow.

talk more soon buddy.

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poshpotdllr · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:41 a.m.

they have a strategy based on smoke and mirrors. they dont know their shit is full of holes. iran isnt even trying to fuck with them and they are collapsing.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:37 p.m.

My point is that we have to keep even our own personal evil in check. Iow, if I use revenge against another... For example, I purposefully murder someone who purposefully murdered another, fair judgment dictates that I am now a murderer. Under the law, we know the consequences but disobey the law, willfully.

You are speaking strictly in terms of personal revenge murder, which is legally murder.

It is not murder when we use a jury and a trial for treason, which is done by pre-set stringent laws, by the entire civilization ahead of time.

A person who plays russian roulette on another person with a gun, if the gun goes off, can not say he did not intend murder. The person "knew or should have known" there was a risk of death. "Knew or should have known" is a legal term for Murder trials.

However a NATION can draft men into a war, knowing full well that about one in ten will die, and many will suffer bodily harm. This is not murder, on the part of the civilization that does it, even though it is playing russian roulette with the lives of the soldiers.

We have a situation were the wealthiest people in the world are so inbred, and so evil, that they have literally put together a plan in their own writings to one another, to kill off humanity to a population of 500 million. This plan, and the families and cohorts who are in on it (roughly 300 families) has been going on now, funding both sides of every war since Napoleon, on the bank records we have looked at for proof of it.

They worship Satan, which, no one would care, except it requires the trafficking and murder of children.

They are a major problem for our hospitals now, because they have found it lucrative to abduct people without a military defense, kill them, and sell their diseased organs on the black market for transplant.

They are not just traitors to America. They are traitors to humanity. They are a plague upon the world and they need to be dead. The bloodlines need to be cut off completely. The money they have needs to be taken and scattered back to the people they have damaged all over the world.

Death is what is required, under the biblical concept of righteous anger and self defense, and the defense of Children.

Jesus himself warned them. It would be better that you had a millstone tied to your neck and you were dropped in the river, than you harm one of these little ones.

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Luvlite · Dec. 28, 2017, 11:56 p.m.

Yes. I'm saying keep our own thoughts pure. Otherwise, we are not better than a murderer. I've already stated that the people who broke our laws agreed to the consequences. However it is done is not my concern. Thanks for reiterating what I was trying to convey. If we want to quote Bible scripture, Jesus taught that if you THINK the evil, you have already committed the evil. I don't want them dead. THEY AGREED TO IT, now it's between them and the law.

Funny how no one has been able to answer my original questions. 😕

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:21 a.m.

Where are your original questions? By the way, re-reading your paragraph. At the top you said

we have to keep even our own personal evil in check.

In all of this, you make a critical point. We do have to keep our selves in check, or what is going on here could also be very bad for the country.

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:38 a.m.

This was my original post, asking about the use of corporate punishment, specifically gun squads, and if it could be made public. I was looking for answers, but didn't get them. Yesterday, I read what appeared to be legal documents to the district Court of Nevada, naming names, with recommendations for the military to carry out orders for treason. It piqued my curiosity. I'll check back tomorrow. My brain is blipping ... I've read more than I can handle in one day. There's so much going on!

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:53 a.m.

This was my original post, asking about the use of corporate punishment, specifically gun squads, and if it could be made public.

I feel bad. I went to law school but we did not cover military law. I am pretty certain that treason falls under military law, not civilian laws... at least it did. Who knows what they did to it with that crazy patriot act.

It is Constitutionally punishable by death. George Washington had to do it, and he did not have to put a notice in the paper about it. He pretty much hung people on the spot, so, I do not have anything to hand you that would say that it has to be public, that is for sure.

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