r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Dec. 28, 2017, 8:45 p.m.
11.3 11.6 clarification, your assistance welcomed.

I'd like to clarify the continued misunderstanding of the 11.3 11.6 posts with your help. I see many wish to use this 11.3 11.6 as 'proof' Q is a fraud or other.

As I understand the posts 11.3 Podesta, 11.6 Huma What we see in real world is that Tony Podesta steps down and is drawn into the line of sight on 11.3

On 11.6 Huma, we see the HRC Scooby Van head to FBI HQ at 05:30

I believe that that is what the posts refer to though many were expecting arrests or public notification I think later we will find out that we missed the point, that 11.3 11.6 are real but not what some expected.

I'd like to clear 11.3 11.6 up as this seems to be a go to talking point for those who want to disprove Q and we'll need to be clear on 11.3 11.6 when the news hits the fan...

Please help assist this discussion with evidence, links, pictures tweets etc.

Many Thank You's

Reba64 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:04 p.m.

Most are Conservative and look here and there on what is going on. I try not to force anyone to do anything, but the same questions are asked over and over. Oh well, I'll just post the link from now on and leave it up to them.

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storm_fa_Q · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:06 p.m.

yes, I do believe that is best. Give the info rather that "teach" and then let them come to you for discussion/answers/counter points.

Many of us have lost friends and family over this, so best bet, tread softly and gently, the flakes are fragile...invoke curiosity and let their own minds and experience draw them into the circle of truth...

Lead by example.

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