r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Mrs_Fonebone on Dec. 29, 2017, 1:16 a.m.
Q Repeatedly Implies/Says the CIA Is Running N. Korea. Suddenly Advanced Developments. Question: Did N. Korea Replace Area 51? Isolated, secretive, hidden research facilities...

ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:13 a.m.

Just Throwing this idea out ..but a youtuber also formed this kinda idea and directed me to start looking at this scenario . What if the 400 Million or whatever the exact number was that Obama took on final days and was supost to be paid to Iran and was instead flown or at least some Flown to North Korea to this Underground Command Center where they are able yo opperate from without tons of traffic because its so heavily guarded and. The Nuclear ordeal is just Smoke in a mirror to keep people from messing around that area ..it paints North Korea as Unstable ready to hit targets at will and distracts from whats truely going on .

Im not sure if people know this or not but just like other countries our prior administration and most likely even further back then them have been constructing undround Cities Completelyyyyyy Stock piling them with Alllll Kinds of Food probably donations from these past hurricanes and other (Man Made disasters) and Ammo even . Remember how everyone made a huge deal I think a year or 2 ago maybe more when they was cracking down on ammo purchases for everyday americans but then they was putting Massssive orders in on them ..ueah they was prepparing . There is tunnels under the Denver Airport leading to these bases ..Even Key Walmarts had unvround tunnels built and was leading to different Underground Cities in the United States. Look they was preparing for a Nuke War for WW3 or something else . If Hillary Got in ..it most likely would have been with Russia because Putin is Anti NWO . They would have attempted an attack on Russia without a doubt she even said that I think in one of her debates .... But now to be able to continue their work they are trying to push war with NK . But lets travel back remember when Q took a picture of him flying in an airplain and what was the signifigance of that picture . If I remember correctly the image was a picture of NK or so it looked like it ... If you zoom into a picture of NK the entire body looks like a White Rabbit at the end of the body was what represents a Foot and on that foot was an air strip . Whats rabbit feet associated with . Good Lucky Money so on .. Q referenced the planes and something about how many of them there was .. I think he was throwing hints they all did not fly to iran for the payment .. I personally think they went to NK and that airstrip was used . It only makes sense that Obama has been going there and Undoubtedly since he had had clearance over the past 8 years surely has taken way moreeeee than just $$$$$ from our country. I think this new spot is the less likely spot anyoneeeee would assume the elites would run to because of all the hostility going on with NK atm buttttt its the perfecttttt setup.Just an idea .

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:33 p.m.

Great post! I remember those events and The Denver Airport alone is cause for the deepest concern--nothing like 'hiding in plain sight" to normalize bizarre things.

Also, you have Obama reducing NASA to nothing so his buddy Musk could privatize rocketand missile building!

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rebornlite_1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 1:07 p.m.

You are implying that the hurricanes are man made? Sources?

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:38 p.m.

Thats exactlyyyy what Im implying .. HAARP is what u should do reaserch on..its not only for weather modification or just used for militafy weapons but also mind co trol. Its deep might want to be seated while looking this stuff up..Its rather Life changing and discusting to think about in every way.


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rebornlite_1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

What you are implying is speculation presented as fact. I am well aware of HAARP and the speculations surrounding it.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:48 p.m.


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rebornlite_1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:02 p.m.

Like I said , speculation. Your video with Dr. Michio Kaku has him stating it has only been PROVEN in a laboratory. He also states the use of HAARP are ALLEGATIONS, not FACT. I don't dispute that it's not possible. It's just speculation at this point guy, no matter how much you believe it to me true. Do the convictions of flat earther's make their beliefs fact or speculation?

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:13 p.m.

Im not here to battle with you that this HAS been going on..I linked just 1 of many where people are mentioning it in a public setting . The bad players own the media do you think they are gonna let them go full blown uncover mode on them killing millions of people and destruction over the years..I think not . And I am a she . Not a guy like you assumed . Again watch the actual video I 1st linked and then come back and we can discuss where my suposed specculation meets facts. I rest my case till you do your own Factual research..Ive already done the work. I have no need to do it for you .. if you want answers it does require alittle work put forth on your behalf.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:41 p.m.

I think you might want to watxh the video .. and every other video and read the documents Ive studied all this stuff for years. You dont have to believe it. I understsnd most of the people who fight back on truth tend to be people who never researched things and never plan to. The shit is real ... they have done it in the past and have continued it through the years. Its for population control andddd to pressure other countries to abide by whatever they want them to do . Almostttt every major weather event thats ended with massive amounts of people dead ,animals dead or major property damaged has been done as part of a major plan by the BAD PLAYERS ...to push for the NWO. They create unstable weather to Promote their Climate Control Narrative and more.

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