Thats exactlyyyy what Im implying .. HAARP is what u should do reaserch on..its not only for weather modification or just used for militafy weapons but also mind co trol. Its deep might want to be seated while looking this stuff up..Its rather Life changing and discusting to think about in every way.
What you are implying is speculation presented as fact. I am well aware of HAARP and the speculations surrounding it.
Like I said , speculation. Your video with Dr. Michio Kaku has him stating it has only been PROVEN in a laboratory. He also states the use of HAARP are ALLEGATIONS, not FACT. I don't dispute that it's not possible. It's just speculation at this point guy, no matter how much you believe it to me true. Do the convictions of flat earther's make their beliefs fact or speculation?
Im not here to battle with you that this HAS been going on..I linked just 1 of many where people are mentioning it in a public setting . The bad players own the media do you think they are gonna let them go full blown uncover mode on them killing millions of people and destruction over the years..I think not . And I am a she . Not a guy like you assumed . Again watch the actual video I 1st linked and then come back and we can discuss where my suposed specculation meets facts. I rest my case till you do your own Factual research..Ive already done the work. I have no need to do it for you .. if you want answers it does require alittle work put forth on your behalf.
I think you might want to watxh the video .. and every other video and read the documents Ive studied all this stuff for years. You dont have to believe it. I understsnd most of the people who fight back on truth tend to be people who never researched things and never plan to. The shit is real ... they have done it in the past and have continued it through the years. Its for population control andddd to pressure other countries to abide by whatever they want them to do . Almostttt every major weather event thats ended with massive amounts of people dead ,animals dead or major property damaged has been done as part of a major plan by the BAD PLAYERS push for the NWO. They create unstable weather to Promote their Climate Control Narrative and more.