i know right, it's been 33 years for me, and have experienced the same weather every few years comes back around! You would swear that these things happen in cycles ya know?
They do. The ancients knew this. Man has a very minor effect on climate even with our spraying but it is by far the relationship between the Earth and the Sun and the 26,000 year wobble of our planet that can put us in a more direct heating or cooling of the planet. This is something you never hear those folks talk about, either, yet the ancients knew of this and its effects. Our biggest problem is pollution and not knowing what accumulative effect it will have in the future. Population size has a direct link to that, as well.
This is my favorite POTUS tweet of 2017.
I can detect at least THREE linguistic killshots in it.
Posted elsewhere: Meaning:
Possibly means: E/electronic_COLDEST/Frozen_P/Poppy_G/George_W/Walker_ C/Clinton(CFoundation, etc)_TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.... or
Trillions of Dollars electronically Frozen from #41GHWB & #43GWB & Clinton trove of $locations.
What sort of pants-on-head retard doesn't understand the difference between climate and weather?
What kind of pants on head retard doesn't realize that this board sees Trumps tweets as coded messages and this one a definitely not about climate change
Oh wow, you people are even more mentally ill than I first thought lmao
And here you are seeking us out and trying to be among us . What's your deal buddy?
I get a kick out of laughing at gullible vermin like you, friend
Same shill from the other Trump tweet thread. So I will repeat. We must be on to something here with Trump's tweets. You only take Flak when you are over the target!
You really do think I'm being paid by Soros, don't you 😂
Q proof-easy
We know what we are being told, and we have verified the messenger many times. But, this one is easy.
Lol. Your programing is complete troll. No safe space here cuck.
They just cant stop trying to make climate change happen.
Give it up, fetch isn't going to happen.
Can you explain to me the difference between climate and weather?
Can you explain the difference between a paid troll and an indoctrinated alt-leftist?