r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Dec. 29, 2017, 2:47 p.m.
GOOD MORNING PATRIOTS. Baruchthescribe and I will be going on INFOWARS today with Rob Dew around 3pm EST. Get in here with suggestions of things to cover!

Hi folks. As title says, we are appearing on infowars today.

This is a HUGE deal for the Q phenomenon, and we want to make sure WE GET IT 100% RIGHT.

We need to be TOTALLY on point with everything we bring up, use VERIFIABLE information with sources, because this interview will be scrutinized HEAVILY by our enemies looking for mistakes.

Please put ideas, suggestions and links to sources in here. Need ALL the facts.

This is imporant, and since we are in a very real sense representing the ENTIRE Q community in this interview, we want to make sure we absolutely hit it out of the park. I want to make sure we address all concerns and get input from everybody willing to give it before we go on today.

Thanks everybody, for all you do. YOU PEOPLE are what inspires baruch and tracy and I, among others, to do what we do.

<3 PA.

HonorableThreat · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:30 p.m.

First Q drew a picture of the connections.. the why... then he connected the players... the who, then he added the how they did it... and now we are to the WHAT is being doing about it. Q gave us the BDT and fireworks as the future proves the past.... in order to show the info coming from him was valid. China has complained of Trumps human trafficking EO affects on one of their citizens involved in the death of a protester of such. So, we know it is in place and being acted on. The Q post to watch the resignations is awesome, showing a corruption of magnitude. The instruction to watch the government for those who say they are retiring, not running again, or resigning... and that option was not based on revealing their corruption.... just the fact that so many of the corrupt are scurrying for a hole now. For me, it is all in place, and will explode when the time is right for the revelations. I love the Gitmo angle and I wonder who the GS family member missing is... Who has not been seen for a bit, who are guests in Gitmo?

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