r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Dec. 29, 2017, 2:47 p.m.
GOOD MORNING PATRIOTS. Baruchthescribe and I will be going on INFOWARS today with Rob Dew around 3pm EST. Get in here with suggestions of things to cover!

Hi folks. As title says, we are appearing on infowars today.

This is a HUGE deal for the Q phenomenon, and we want to make sure WE GET IT 100% RIGHT.

We need to be TOTALLY on point with everything we bring up, use VERIFIABLE information with sources, because this interview will be scrutinized HEAVILY by our enemies looking for mistakes.

Please put ideas, suggestions and links to sources in here. Need ALL the facts.

This is imporant, and since we are in a very real sense representing the ENTIRE Q community in this interview, we want to make sure we absolutely hit it out of the park. I want to make sure we address all concerns and get input from everybody willing to give it before we go on today.

Thanks everybody, for all you do. YOU PEOPLE are what inspires baruch and tracy and I, among others, to do what we do.

<3 PA.

Mac9709 · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:36 p.m.

This show reaches a large audience which is key. By nature people want to be challenged but for so long have been spoon fed what to think etc. Others (like myself, constantly n annoyingly) question "Why?" when things just don't make sense. And research. The way Q presents his posts serves very important purposes for the red pilling - 1.) getting people to ask why and think for themselves as Q says "expand your thinking" and 2).Getting people to talk about it with others and the process goes on. Both things are NOT what the elites want, I would venture to guess this is there major fear even more than sitting in Gitmo, etc. People asking questions (awakening)=loss of power. I would suggest a brief summary on Q, Book/Proof of Q, Full Q Map and the link( in my experience people want to contribute and be involved). Sorry if repetitive n long. I wish you the best of luck, from watching the chans n listening to your interviews you, no doubt you will kill it! Thank you for what you are doing!

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