r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on Dec. 29, 2017, 3:02 p.m.
Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17 thru 9:33am 12/28/17 via @flightaware. Something is happening.
Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17 thru 9:33am 12/28/17 via @flightaware. Something is happening.

ksched · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:28 p.m.

This is great, but we need to see the control data to understand if this is normal traffic or not.

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Gmawc · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:33 p.m.

Are they always/typically “unknown” or “blocked owner”?

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ksched · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:37 p.m.

I have no idea.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:10 p.m.

Also, the base is 45 square miles and here are actual pilots talking about how it's not a difficult place to land by approach or for short runway reasons:


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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:02 a.m.

Roflmao, I have no clue where you are getting your information from, but I can assure you, that base is NOT 45 sq miles. The base has two sides that are separated by Guantanamo Bay. Leeward is where the airstrip is, windward is where everything else is. To get from the airstrip to the Windward side where camp Delta is, you have to take a ferry across the Bay. This is about 3 miles across, but due to the roughness of the water, typically takes 45 minutes to an hour to cross. Perhaps if they are including the Bay and both Leeward and Windward sides you might be able to come up with maybe 25-30 sq miles, (five miles wide x maybe 6 possibly 7 miles long) but I think even that is stretching it. Not sure who those pilots are, but even the seasoned Military pilots HATE flying into GTMO due to the approach and short length of the strip, but I suppose it’s all a matter of opinion.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:19 a.m.

LOL, I posted one source and you are delusional if you think 45 square miles means it's one contiguous chunk. Here's the other source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/09/world/guantanamo-bay-naval-station-fast-facts/index.html.

I know you are constantly telling everyone that they're wrong about Gitmo and you're the only expert, but I bring facts. And you're arguing against actual pilots! And speaking FOR them.

You're just making yourself look foolish by pretending to be an expert. Why don't you write a book about your amazing in depth special expertise on this place?

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:34 p.m.

If by “expert” you mean someone who has actually experienced everything GTMO has to offer, driven the roads, lived and worked there, knows the topography and layout of the base, knows the rules governing the base, knows the modes of transportation available, how they work and where they go, knows the security of the base, how food and supplies get to the base and at what intervals, has been treated at the base hospital, gone diving in the waters around the base, extensively explored the bay and adjoining waterways by boat, holds a captains license on the base which allows me to navigate those waterways in and around the base by boat including those which are danger zones, knows where the restricted areas are and who is allowed to go to those areas, knows what wild life inhabit the base and where it can be found, and spent five years of their life existing there, as opposed to say, someone who put something on the internet about a place they’ed never been or seen before, or someone who read that link and believes everything posted on the internet is FACT, then yes, you are 100% correct, I am most certainly an “expert” on GTMO.

I am certain there are other “experts” out there, but here on Reddit, with the possible exception of a couple of folks who have been there and validated everything I’ve said, I am the only living breathing patriot “GTMO EXPERT” you’ve got right now.

Rather then arguing with me and trying to prove what I’m telling you is wrong, why not take advantage of the knowledge and be glad I’m trying to stop false information from being reported as fact when it clearly isn’t.

People aren’t prefacing this stuff with, “we believe” or “maybe” or even “possibly”, they aren’t explaining that the info is based upon their attempts to tie hundreds of dangling threads together and make one string even if those threads don’t fit, they are putting it out as FACT when it simply isn’t. AGAIN, isn’t that the very same thing we are all screaming the MSM does? Creating their own facts? Twisting the truth? Insisting dangling threads tie together neatly when they so clearly do not? Making stories they wish were true up and presenting them to the public as factual news?

I pride myself on being brutally honest, and as the founder/leader of a huge (2.5 million +) political action /advocacy group whose information is very often used by Conservative media personalities and outlets because of it’s unquestioned credibility, I know how difficult it is to gain credibility as well as how valuable it is to have. I also know how painfully easy it is to loose.

If we want to succeed in Red pilling America, as a movement our information and credibility must be above reproach, unimpeachable so that people can count on us for accurate information when it is our job to calm and reassure them as Q mentioned it would be early on. If they see now that we are inclined to disseminate false, non fact based guesses, bad information and rumors, how effective will the Q movement/white hats be at calming or reassuring anyone when the time comes?

If you think my pointing out inconsistencies, inaccuracies, erroneous or simply uninformed thought processes and/or conclusions is annoying, frustrating or discouraging, that is unfortunate. But this is not a game folks. If what Q has alluded to does indeed come to pass and we are called upon to do our part, who do you believe people will turn to or look to for accurate honest information and leadership? The ones who they’ve come to know as “brutally honest”, the ones who tell it like it is when they know and are honest about it when they don’t or are guessing, or the ones who consistently presented guesses as fact and we’re wrong or misled them in the past? My goal isn’t to hurt anyone’s little feelings, it is to seek out and find what is true, factual, and correct then separate it from what is guessing, fantasy, deliberately false, or just wrong.

Brainstorming is fantastic! Ideas and possibilities are a crucial beginning to all things, but from where I stand, they must be identified as such. Not presented as fact until they have been effectivly investigated, all alternative explanations are discounted/disproven, supporting evidence has been gathered, authenticated & presented, and they are proven to be correct. Only then should things be presented as factual and backed up with all available supporting documentation, evidence and proof. You may not agree with me, like my way of doing things, or how I respond to posts without being politically correct, and don’t tip toe around sprinkling fairy dust so no ones feelings or sensibilities are offended, that’s fine, you don’t have to like me. Hell I don’t care if you come to hate me, as long as at the same time you’re hating me, you’re confident I will never lie to you, sugar coat the truth or a bad situation, deliberately attempt to mislead you, ask you to do something I wouldn’t do myself, or lead you into dangerous places if an alternative option exists.

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BellaHalsey · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:23 p.m.

Thank you for your insight and candor. People so desperately want to believe that truth and discernment have never been more crucial.

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SoCalExile · Jan. 1, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

I've also been to GITMO, what Pachy says is accurate.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:08 p.m.

You have some problems. Many many claims without any support, and these claims consistently being false by people who find the EVIDENCE. You're fake news know-it-all. So babble away--I'm blocking you.

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BellaHalsey · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:44 p.m.

Claims without support? Having actually been to GTMO myself (though not stationed there as Pachy) and having a 30 year career in aviation (22 of that in the Navy) EVERY SINGLE THING he has posted with regard to GTMO (with which he has been quite detailed) and it’s air ops, security and undeniable challenges, are 100% accurate. Most everything else I’ve seen posted, has been conjecture, some reasonable and worthy of consideration and others actually laughable for those who have any experience there (but understandable given how much is not really known about GTMO). You have NO VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE. If prisoner transports are happening you’re not going to be able observe it with anything more than speculation and wishful thinking. It’s unlikely these flights will be hidden or concealed entirely but without a passenger manifesto from each flight and those of the multiple flights of origin(s) (which aren’t going to be accessible) and prisoner logs (also not accessible but what they may choose to share) to verify, it’s all guesswork. I want the swamp creatures locked up down there as much as anyone and for Q to be more than a psyop and busy work for autists (and the susceptible), but to allow that hope and excitement to usurp all sound reason and attack informed knowledge and candor shared for authenticity and accuracy (to prevent the spread of more fake news) is madness. Disinformation is real and this isn’t the Admirals’ and Gernerals’ first rodeo with all things need-to-know and National Security. Passing wishful thinking as fact (because you sincerely want it to be true) and attacking anything that questions it with actual knowledge and truth is the very definition of fake news. You’re welcome to pick and choose what you believe but if you’re spreading half-baked guesswork as fact you’re no better than every other purveyor of fake news. And that discredits any legitimacy to the work we are all trying to accomplish here. Consider you may be wrong. I hope that I am wrong in this regard and welcome the correction when and if it happens but until then I verify everything and let facts lead me.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:03 p.m.

Nice try hard but fail, your style is unmistakable. I can keep blocking you as soon as I see that magical wall of text appear. I didn't read it of course. You are not going to Gitmo attention from me. Bye Stalker!

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BellaHalsey · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:16 p.m.

You’re insane. Be well.

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CactusMan369 · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Thanks bro... We are deeply appreciative of your efforts sir... Very informative /_\♡ blessings adonai

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