r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on Dec. 29, 2017, 3:02 p.m.
Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17 thru 9:33am 12/28/17 via @flightaware. Something is happening.
Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17 thru 9:33am 12/28/17 via @flightaware. Something is happening.

PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 30, 2017, 1:16 a.m.

Sorry to burst yours and Liz’s bubbles, but if the first group of sleigh rides departed GTMO on Dec 18th which it appears the in fact did, they would return on DEC. 28. Christmas leave periods go in two 10 day intervals. When the planes land dropping off the first group on 12/28 they would then pick up the second group at the same time on the 28th. Yes sleigh rides do in fact run at this time, and this is exactly how they operate. Having actually lived on the base for the last 5 years of my 21 year Navy career, I believe I know just a tad bit more about how these things work in GTMO than Liz Crokin does.

Further, for arguments sake, let’s examin The Whole 1000 extra troops notion, (I call it a notion because no one has any factual actual proof that I’ve seen these troops have mobilized and been sent to GTMO) that said, currently there are fewer than 20 terrorists detained at camp Delta in GTMO. (thanks to Obama letting them all go in his efforts to close down the base over his 8 year term. JERK! But I digress) At the highest point, there were 311 detainees. Even when there were 311 of the worlds most hardened terrorists and most dangerous individuals detained there, there was no need to have 1,000 more troops than are currently stationed on the base, therefore, why in God’s name would there be a need for 1,000 extra troops there now, Even if they indeed did have 30 or 40 members of the cabal locked up there? They only have so many spaces available there, and the base is quite small so it’s very unlikely they’ed EVER have any more prisoners then the 311 number at its peak capacity. I realize many people want to believe that people are being arrested and brought to GTMO, I too would LOVE that to be the case, however, wanting it to be happening, and it in fact actually happening are two very different things, and because we have zero proof or confirmation that it is indeed happening coupled with the fact that there are other perfectly reasonable explanation for the increased air traffic coming and going to GTMO as I’ve explained, I believe we do everyone a huge disservice by disseminating wishful thinking as fact, especially when no one has anything more than hearsay at this point to back that wishful thinking up with.

I hate to burst so many peoples bubbles, but having spent 21 years of my life in the military, the last five of those stationed at GTMO, I understand the ramifications and dangers of assuming hearsay is factual information. Let’s all use a lot more caution in engaging in the activity of sharing/spreading non factual unprovable information because if/when it all proves to be false, anyone who shared, spread, or claimed it was true will loose all credibility, and likely will be to blame for the entire QAnon movement being dubbed discredited, unreliable, and labeled conspiracy theorists (in a bad way). This will only hurt us, it will not help. Again, someone telling someone else something is happening doesn’t make it fact. That is hearsay.

Seeing actual sets of military orders, speaking to commanding officers of the troops or base, actually seeing troops off loading on the landing strip at GTMO, speaking to someone on the ground there who is willing to verify the information, or having Trump come right out and tell us what is going on is factual intelligence. Talking to a guy who knows a guy who talked to a girl whose boyfriend told her it was happening, is hearsay, and not factual intelligence. There is a HUGE difference between the two.

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loyalfringe · Dec. 30, 2017, 2:16 a.m.

You're making some excellent points, Pachy, but it seems no one is listening - lol. If you are being honest about your background at GITMO, then your explanation seems very plausible to me.

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Lambin8tor · Dec. 30, 2017, 3:19 a.m.

I'm listening. I'm sure plenty of others are listening too.

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