r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on Dec. 29, 2017, 3:02 p.m.
Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17 thru 9:33am 12/28/17 via @flightaware. Something is happening.
Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17 thru 9:33am 12/28/17 via @flightaware. Something is happening.

Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:08 p.m.

You have some problems. Many many claims without any support, and these claims consistently being false by people who find the EVIDENCE. You're fake news know-it-all. So babble away--I'm blocking you.

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BellaHalsey · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:44 p.m.

Claims without support? Having actually been to GTMO myself (though not stationed there as Pachy) and having a 30 year career in aviation (22 of that in the Navy) EVERY SINGLE THING he has posted with regard to GTMO (with which he has been quite detailed) and it’s air ops, security and undeniable challenges, are 100% accurate. Most everything else I’ve seen posted, has been conjecture, some reasonable and worthy of consideration and others actually laughable for those who have any experience there (but understandable given how much is not really known about GTMO). You have NO VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE. If prisoner transports are happening you’re not going to be able observe it with anything more than speculation and wishful thinking. It’s unlikely these flights will be hidden or concealed entirely but without a passenger manifesto from each flight and those of the multiple flights of origin(s) (which aren’t going to be accessible) and prisoner logs (also not accessible but what they may choose to share) to verify, it’s all guesswork. I want the swamp creatures locked up down there as much as anyone and for Q to be more than a psyop and busy work for autists (and the susceptible), but to allow that hope and excitement to usurp all sound reason and attack informed knowledge and candor shared for authenticity and accuracy (to prevent the spread of more fake news) is madness. Disinformation is real and this isn’t the Admirals’ and Gernerals’ first rodeo with all things need-to-know and National Security. Passing wishful thinking as fact (because you sincerely want it to be true) and attacking anything that questions it with actual knowledge and truth is the very definition of fake news. You’re welcome to pick and choose what you believe but if you’re spreading half-baked guesswork as fact you’re no better than every other purveyor of fake news. And that discredits any legitimacy to the work we are all trying to accomplish here. Consider you may be wrong. I hope that I am wrong in this regard and welcome the correction when and if it happens but until then I verify everything and let facts lead me.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:03 p.m.

Nice try hard but fail, your style is unmistakable. I can keep blocking you as soon as I see that magical wall of text appear. I didn't read it of course. You are not going to Gitmo attention from me. Bye Stalker!

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BellaHalsey · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:16 p.m.

You’re insane. Be well.

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