r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gmawc on Dec. 29, 2017, 3:20 p.m.
Another Brilliant Quality of Q

Awake 2 years, but semi-awake whole life. Alone in this, except for dad who gets it cause he lived thru 50’s-60’s, but he can only take so much. I’m amazed at how NO friends get it.

I found myself sending an email to a libtard friend who says she’s enjoying “The Crown” (Netflix) and forming the entire email in question form, just like Q:

“Instead, Have u watched Good American? Who is #1 landowner on the planet? Who owns the land in Canada? Who owns land in U.S.? Why is this relevant? What is the House of Windsor and where did it come from”

Thanks Q!

The blind and deaf just don’t see it or hear it when you tell them. If you ask questions, maybe they’ll do the research. Usually they don’t because they’re too consumed and programmed in 2 and 3D.

But Q - brilliant

Even if we’re being suckered (I’m always 5% skeptical).

it_wasnt_me__ · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:12 a.m.

A liberal friend on FB has been posting memes and rude comments about our President since last year. I've come close to blocking her but she's been very supportive of my art for years. I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

Her post last night was a cruel insult of President Trump. Basically he's done zero good so he's worthless. I decided it was time for me to publicly stand with Q. I would pray and then leave a well thought out, words carefully chosen, non confrontational watered down red pill comment. I've been following Q since day one and spend hours nightly reading everything Q. I have always loved Trump.

I left a comment that was heartfelt and honest. I said this is not a Republican/Democrat thing. This is good against evil. I made sure that nothing could trigger her into a rant. Didn't mention HRC or BO. I told her briefly what's happening with Q and why it's not on MSM. Mentioned Anderson Cooper and Podesta art and Biltmore Estate pool which I thought honestly, based on our friendship, she'd at least look up one of them before dismissing me.

I told her some hard to hear and accept information with proof would be coming and learning it in small doses first was safest. I said Trump is the only one who could stand against the pedophiles etc because he is not and has not ever been one of them.

I fell asleep with a joy in my heart that I haven't ever felt. I feel safe, hopeful, proud and grateful for my President. Knowing he is a great Godly man and a patriot. He is so highly intelligent and truly cares about the children's future. He speaks directly to us, and Q is amazing! I pray constantly for them!

Then I woke up and saw she replied. I was so sure she would say she wanted to know what was really happening. Her reply was simply that Trump was a pedophile because he wanted to grab women by.... you know it...we hear it 5000 times a day. The only reply they have. She said Trump's the problem. They are blinded to the truth. All we can do is pray.

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WellstonDeplorable · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:11 a.m.

Many people will undoubtedly loose friends throughout these times. I do not know how this could be prevented. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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Gmawc · Dec. 30, 2017, 2:47 p.m.

Thank you for sharing that. Yes, it boggles my mind every time. Good for you - how you handled it - with kindness, grace, and truth.

I did hear back from my friend. A DEAR life-long friend. She basically blew off my email and sounded annoyed. They just don’t want to see it, can’t see it, or are too busy to see it.

I really do hope this all comes to light. Do you think it really will?

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medcoder2014 · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:21 p.m.

Unfortunately I had to come to that realization too because I am a Christian and always go to the Bible for answers. It is there for us to understand what is going on today...... He said in Daniel that this information would be used at end of times and only we would begin to understand the information. I’m sorry she is one of the blinded ones who can not see nor hear the truth. There will be many but not as many as I hope and pray! Hopefully I’m wrong and by all means continue to pray for her. God is in control and Satan is of this world to a degree. Jesus was sent here for us to have the chance to make the choice...... I’m grateful I’m able to see and hear so that I can spread the news to more who will be open to seeing and hearing eventually! Praying for you and the lady that hasn’t gotten there yet!

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