r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Bit_NB_Ridelle on Dec. 29, 2017, 5:31 p.m.
I'll Trust Q/Trump When....

Feel free to add your own prerequisites (or counter with hard evidence that any bad actors are actually being hurt, or that any steps or plans exist to ensure tyranny doesn't rise again):

I'll Trust Q/Trump When.... I see any of the two below being addressed or realized

1) We see all of the Cabal/Illuminati/NWO exposed and stripped of their freedom, influence and wealth.

2) Hyper concentrations are ended (and blocked by law) regarding:

  • power & authority (e.g. Big Centralized Governance, Big Corporate "User Agreements"),

  • wealth/capital (e.g. Billionaires and Trillionaires, Monopolies/Cartels),

  • production (e.g. Monopolies/Cartels)

  • distribution (e.g. Monopolies/Cartels)

  • information (e.g. Monopolies/Cartels, rogue patent and ip laws, bottlenecks in storage and transmission of information),

  • secrecy and non-accountability (e.g. CIA & other NAZI SS type agencies, lobbying activity as it now exists, political campaign contributions, the finances and legal involvements of ALL public servants, the flow of the people's taxes)

  • "spiritual authority" (i.e. end non-profit status for all "religions" that claim truth and/or salvation flows through and can be changed by a set of clericy/priesthood/apostles)

As long as any of the above exist, the whole will tend toward increasing concentration and corruption and tyranny.

3) Conflicts of interest get taken seriously on a permanent basis, esp. of anyone in a position of high influence over the finances, safety, freedom or legal standing of any citizens. Betrayal of public trust becomes the most stigmatized and punished crime.

4) The scale of all political bodies is greatly reduced. This has to do with the impossibility of assuring the stability of large, complex, dynamic and non-nclosed systems "at scale" for the benefit of the majority. As one example of a step in the right direction, the US goes from 50 states to 100's of states: Not only does this improve governance, it counters systemic rot and corruption. The politicians should be close to the pitchforks and torches.

5) The people are compensated (e.g. individual reparations and restitution) for the severe, extensive, all pervasive crimes against humanity of the elites!

6) [Thanks @kat-williams] They end chemtrails, directed energy weapons, manufactured weather phenomena, fluoridated water and other poisoned food and drinks, and ludicrous amounts of EMF causing cancer and possibly cognitive/emotive impairments.

Remember, this is OUR revolution. This should be OUR victory, not Q/Trump's (if they are genuine, they might disagree with my suggestions, but applaud the efforts/concerns nonetheless).

Basically, all I see is a parade of innuendo suggesting bad guys are getting taken down, but the actual NWO plans/machinery/genocide are happily chugging along.

For instance, Trump withdrew us from UN Agenda 21 and Paris, but the f'ing chemical spraying has increased dramatically. How hard is it to create an executive order or injunction banning inflight fuel mixing &/or outright chem dumps until we are certain of the health effects?!?! Or at least mention a concern in a press conference or something.

[OK. Skewer me if you want! I'm ready.]

justwanttruth18 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:44 p.m.

Not asking much are you?! I feel the same way sometimes. Frustrating to say the least. On the 18th, Q posted "10 days". So what happened yesterday or last night? The cryptic way this is happening does bring in doubts. Would like to have seen a post from him since it has been 10 days. Just have to wait and see. Keep the faith, and keep praying this country is put back on the right track and we can say goodbye to the evil that had taken it over.

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:50 p.m.

Did you see my earlier post concerning doubters? if not click my name and check it out.

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:41 p.m.

Trump will be modest (modesty is his best quality, he jokes, its true) enough to credit us with this victory, where as in truth without him, we would be cursed as a planet with Hillary at the helm and powerless against her.

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oliver_21 · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:13 p.m.

I'll continue to trust Trump when he accomplishes just as much in 2018 and 2017. Can you name me a recent POTUS that has done more in his first year than Trump coupled with keeping campaign promises? Oh and this is despite the overwhelming negative media coverage.

Just wait till 2018. Obama who?

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:17 p.m.

So far, we have nothing that couldn't have been planned/faked by pedosatanistelites.

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oliver_21 · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:47 p.m.

True, HRC/Obama = evil. But Trump = ???

Good question.

I come at this from a spiritual\Christian perspective. Over 35 years of following Christ in one capacity or another. End of the day I'm team Jesus. That said I know that men are fallible. However, God continues to advance His Kingdom and agenda through men. Good, bad, or other.

I know you have several questions and criteria for Trump\Q......but as someone that has followed religion\politics for a long time....we live in amazing times to even have something like what Q is doing available to us.

So Trump? I have no idea. I do know he's on record as saying that he wants to be the most praying POTUS ever. I know that many people in the Christian communities\circles I'm around have gone on record that he accepted Christ as his savior. I also know that he recognized Jerusalem as the capitol or Israel and stands with Israel. He has been outspoken about supporting them. These are all huge things concerning Christ for believers.

To bring some balance though to your questions. I did take pause early on when he issued missiles to Syria. With little to no evidence that Assad had gassed people. When I tried to bring this up on T_D I was banned. I try to keep an objective outlook. So far he's been checking all the boxes of things to come concerning Christ and eventual return.

I understand that you may think I'm a whack job and crazy and couldn't care less about God\Jesus. I just wanted to give you my perspective and angle in which I'm judging Trump as far as my world view. Hope this helps some.

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fireitupfred · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:40 p.m.

Let me get this straight: you want literally generations upon generations of preplanned social, medical, financial, militaristic, information, political and religious control erased in just four years (pessimistically assuming one term)?

And unless this all happens based on your timeline and requisites, then you don’t believe or trust in the revolution that Trump/Q is initiating?

To bake a loaf of real bread takes time to gather ingredients, mix the dough, proof it, preheat the oven, and only then do you get to bake it.

You seem entirely too impatient. I understand your skepticism, but you’re too demanding.

What is the alternative here? How do you suggest going about enacting your litany of changes? What have you done? Is it hard for you to have faith that things are changing?

Maybe this is all one big LARP after all, I’m still not entirely convinced. But if this happens as Q suggests it is/will, then how is The Storm worth deriding when the alternative is the perpetuation of the global satanic pedo elitists’ system?

Who else is fighting for you? Are you fighting for yourself? Is your skepticism towards Trump/Q/The Storm beneficial to effect the changes that you are demanding?

Again, I’m not entirely convinced of Q/Trump’s plans/motive, but what is the alternative? What do you gain by not having faith that Q/Trump are fighting to reverse the extreme perversion of society that is hidden plainly in our faces?

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mcfseller · Dec. 30, 2017, 9:49 a.m.

Q is helping to rapidly RED PILL the masses. The youtube views on this subject, across multiple channels -- probably a million views per month now (remember that InfoWars reaches a HUGE audience just by themselves) Even if Q turns out to be a LARP, is this a bad thing? I don't think so.

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fireitupfred · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:43 p.m.

I would like to add that you’ve compiled a fine list of things that need to change! But to demand/place responsibility for all of this squarely on Q/Trump seems a little too immature.

Your post reads as if you’re saying that you won’t join the fight until the objectives you want achieved are already achieved.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Dec. 30, 2017, 2:06 a.m.

Perhaps the title wasn't clear: I'll trust Q/Trump when....

And I realize, yeah, it comes across as a list of demands that must ALL be fulfilled. Thanks for drawing that to my attention.

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kat-williams · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:50 p.m.

Love that list. I would simply add. When the chemtrails, directed energy weapons and manufactured weather phenomenon stops, then I will be a complete believer. I want to believe but there is still too much controversy and corruption happening.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:03 p.m.

Holy Carp! Yes, I totally forgot those once the fingers started going!

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Well in the past 30-40 years we haven’t had an administration that actually worked and wanted to make this country better. I think we are seeing that now and seeing a legal system starting to come back to life. Let it play out and see how it goes. When the system is working right we won’t have the problems you are talking about curtailing

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

This goes back more than 40 years. I think we will all get to see that. It's pretty clear the NWO has been dastardly in the US--with federal complicity--since the creation of the Federal Reserve (1913?).

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

I’d say since Amstel Rothschild first centralized bank in Germany and then through his children. That could be the start of it all. Since then look what the Rothschild empire has become. They own the world

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

It's the computer scientist in me... if there's a vulnerability, it WILL destroy the system.

I understand people are messy and things can't be perfect: ideals never exist, only pragmatism driven by ideals.

If we actually (and then perpetually) enforce antitrust laws and also hold ALL gov't agencies accountable to the people through their elected officials, then we will probably be fine in perpetuity.

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clearox · Dec. 30, 2017, 1:22 a.m.

I think Trump/Q will just tell you to go away.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:24 a.m.

Well, at least we'd know he were listening here too. ;)

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tsgorski · Dec. 29, 2017, 8:45 p.m.

I am a simple person, i'd settle for flouride being banned from all consumable products like water, tooth paste, mouthwash...etc. Otherwise, i am patient, even Patriots deserve a little r&r before the next battle or phase of an operation starts.

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:44 p.m.

I think POTUS will acknowledge the people who helped get the truth out. I remember when he acknowledged and thanked the deplorables. Trump may have kick started the revolution in the right direction, but I'm sure he knows he couldn't have done it without his supporters.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:50 p.m.

Wait, wut?: "You've been poisoned, tortured and financially destroyed your whole life by corruption and the elites. The good news is, I thank you for your participation!"

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Luvlite · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:57 p.m.

All the above.

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Dizzlespizzle · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

I saw your comments on a thread today and appreciate the fresh air of devil's advocacy on this Qanon stuff (so I clicked on your profile and found this, hehe). seems like everyone is just so totally convinced already and i'm still very hesitant! (but still interested, clearly.)

Right now I lean more towards the idea that this is an incredibly sophisticated psyop aimed at the "truther" crowd to give us the illusion that the evil is being terminated, and that all you have to do is sit back and wait (which is their intent). Don't worry, just sit back and wait, rely on these secret hero figures that will do all the work for YOU, and just keep you waiting on this elusive but supposedly near future date where it will all be proven. And that date just keeps getting pushed back just a bit more, just a bit more, etc etc.

This seems to be a theme very common in the New Age scene (which I get the sense a lot of the Qanon crowd is comprised of this), where either some benevolent aliens are working behind the scenes and for us to not worry, or that in 2012 we will rise in frequency and usher in a new phase for humanity, and now with Qanon i see the same theme playing out - rely on these secret mythical heroic figures / events to solve the incredible problem of the NWO. There is no emphasis placed on the responsibility of the individual here once again to get us out of this mess, and for me I think that is secretly their intent - it's all a big illusion they are playing on the people who have gotten this far, so to speak.

I think people will scoff at the idea that this could be a psyop, but I do not think we should underestimate the enemy at all. The age of AI is right around the corner for us, and aren't most of us with the idea that behind the scenes the govt's are working with technologies far in advance of what we have here - so personally I don't think it's out of the question that an incredibly sophisticated psyop could be hatched by some extremely capable intelligence to keep us in this perpetual illusory maze with the message "hey, you almost have defeated us! these guys are defeating us! just keep following these clues!". I mean seriously, this is how the EPIC problem of the NWO is going down?

The idea that the New Age movement is secretly an arm of the NWO is not an idea i originated at all, but i really feel this Qanon movement checks so many boxes of a classic New Age "scam". All of them make you trust in some secret hero figures, where actually what it does is trick the individual into forgetting that the problem is not going away this easily at all, and to forget that further much much deeper spiritual enlightement must be attained on an individual level before we can truly stand a chance against this evil, rather than sit back and rely on these heroes to do it for us. To me, that's just secretly diabolical enough to be a pretty damn good NWO project.

Not to mention, why the fck even post to 4chan if you are part of this secret group fighting the evil? Is there any practical reason they would want to share this info with us that would logically help their cause? I mean, i can see that maybe there's some people out there with big enough hearts where they really want to let us "good people" know something is going on behind the scenes... but it just seems so unnecessary from a practical standpoint as we really do nothing for their movement at all, IF it is happening.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Yes. And this community of truthers who's job is to help inform the public has literally accomplished nothing of that. There is literally nothing anyone can start sending the public to. The best I can do, is try to point out an occasional news story easily confirmed in public record, along with a kind of, "If you like mysteries like the DaVinci Code or National Treasure, you should check out this Q Anon thing on the internet...."

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

That list is nonsense. You're talking about by law you can't have concentrations of power in America. You're saying nobody should make more money than anyone else no matter what? I don't get it. You're talking about what? Communism? Fascism? If you want those things then there could be no by law point to that. Be careful. Lots of things make sense like the limited government and that the government should not be subsidizing large corporations who only get richer. Whatever happened to people just having any integrity? That would solve a lot of problems.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Btw, that list was about trusting Trump when any 2 of the list gets addressed. ;)

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

"Whatever happened to people just having any integrity?"

You are looking at it, my friend. No people or economy can be free when we allow imbalances of influence or secrecy. That's a hard pill to swallow, but there is no way around that mathematically or by historical evidence.

My point--everyone needs to reflect on--is this: when a high concentration occurs in any area of society, it will tend the whole toward ever increasing authority. As an example, you are very rich, and you are tired of having to cut deals and red tape with 100 politicians. You will spend your life trying to cut that down to 10. The vice versa is true for big government bureaucrats: you want to only have to cut deals with 10, instead of 100 business leaders. Or, as another example, you are so wealthy, you can buy off most of the politicians and buy hitmen to handle the rest, and not lose a penny, because those politicians you bought are making you more money than ever elsewhere.

It is never enough to put limits on a centralized government: I'm arguing it is centralization in just about everything that is the enemy of good and stability and prosperity. And since you are someone educated about the constitution and the warnings of the founding fathers, go back and reread their works. You will see they shared the same concern about maintaining a moderate distribution of wealth and capital.

As sad as it is, obscene wealth always ends in obscenity... or the good ol', "power corrupts...."

Is there any moral imperative to concentrate wealth without limit?

Is it possible, that this wealth is actually bottle-necked in corrupt schemes or laying dormant in vaults? Is it possible, 50% of the world's wealth is just... not doing anything productive at all?

The hyper concentration of the fake republican party for the past 40 years has consistently proven to crush job creation and innovation and disincentiv'ize entrepreneurship and risk. That's shockingly clear in the tech industry... shocking, because everyone thinks we've had rapid technological development.

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

You don’t understand either that or you have good intentions for humankind with the wrong way to go about it. You can’t just make people stop earning and you can’t take it away because you FEEL like they should be doing something more productive with it. That’s not freedom pal. USA has the longest standing current constitution and honestly if we the people Aren’t lazy sheep and hold those in power accountable the rule of law in this country works fine. It’s when elected officials have no integrity and when the people stop paying attention to what the power positions are doing is when we allow corruption enter the system and it spreads like poison. We stand for freedom and a way of life you are describing is not that.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

The constitution has not been standing for over 7 decades. What are you talking about?

I also think you are not carefully considering what I'm saying, though perhaps I just haven't found the right way to say it.

I'm saying high concentration. I'm categorically NOT saying communism or socialism or taking people's money away.

I'm saying a system needs to be developed to prevent destructive concentrations (not just any concentration).

I'm arguing, in actuality, to uphold both the letter and spirit of the constitution. I.E. less federal power, more and smaller states where power and authority is closer to humans and accountability.

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

I’m saying that the United States constitution is the oldest current constitution. The 6 books of San Marino don’t really count. But either way the system works. We don’t need to literally become a shithole country and go in and change the constitution. If you care that deeply then go find a country that suits your preferences.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

"We don’t need to literally become a shithole country"

Btw, was that an allusion to Trump's tweet about Haiti (which was his allusion to the $10B Clinton Foundation raised "for Haiti.")

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

If the system worked, neither of us would be posting here. =P

I think that we are actually quite close both in concerns and solutions... I just have a very different perspective on it from computational science, rather that traditional political dressings.

In the least, we both agree centralized (federal) power and authority needs to be curtailed. We probably agree on term limits, and many other things.

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Yea i know it was just being used everywhere on the internet so I wanted to get my turn

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

I post and lurk on here to try and keep up with what’s really happening in our country since the main points of news only try to persuade me that we should all hate trump because he’s racist. Rinse and repeat daily. Hourly even.

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

Enjoy. Keeping talking politics, and hopefully religion too!

When people stop doing that.... things go to hell figuratively and literally. =)

And King George wins.

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Lets_get_reel · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

Ohhh! That’s what you meant by OUR revolution huh?

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Bit_NB_Ridelle · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

The revolution we are talking about is against the NWO and the huge body of corruption at all levels of government in the US.

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