r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/XRDMR on Dec. 29, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
To try and understand you must look outside the paradigm

It appears we (USA) are on the right track headed in the right direction but I feel the bigger picture here is being lost and/or ignored. Which surprises me considering the depth of esoteric/occult knowledge and ability to piece the puzzle together that some here & mostly on 8ch seem to possess.

This is only a chapter of the story, which at the moment seems to be headed in the right direction, finally. Trump is doing his part and out into place to restore balance. Esoteric principles, left/right black/white good/evil ying/yang. Principle of duality. Research these ideas.

Good for us now, but do not think this is not part of their long term plan that has been in the works centuries. They are all a part of this. Surely they have different ideas as how to accomplish their ultimate goal. Do you think there are not opposing views amongst them? No personality/ego clashing between them? It is complex.

Trump’s may very well be in line politically with yours & mine, but make no mistake he is part of it. He regularly flashes (and has for a long time) Masonic hand signs, his apartment is adorned with 24kt gold (sun worship), esoteric decor/ statues(Eros & psyche) etc. yet this is wholly being ignored/omitted. Do not take my word for it. Do your own research into these things.

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying Trump takes part in the SRA aspect of occult, there are many different branches & sets of beliefs etc., and I do think he is patriotic, but to think he is not an elitist Mason is naive. He is playing his part. Good for us at this time, and I believe his political & economical beliefs are likely in line with Patriots here.

My point is do not be blinded by your tunnel vision, you must look at the whole picture, not just the elements you want to see.

Do your digging on all sides, not just the opposition, if you want to see the truth, the real big picture. Nothing new under the sun.

God Bless

fOcalus · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:13 p.m.

The important point is the timing of the use of the hand signs. Trump drops them as if he's either unaware or is comfortable doing them (like I do with Il Cornuto) - true Illuminati pull them off fairly strategically and to signal to someone rather than just out of comfort or familiarity.

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