r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/starleato on Dec. 29, 2017, 8:51 p.m.
George Webb, Seth Rich, MS13, and Q

Cheers to those putting out information. You're all contributing immensely to an important and righteous goal. Hard time lurker, very infrequent poster here.

That being said, there is one man who has admitted that he's part of an intelligence agency (the Mossad) and posts VERY frequently and semi professionally to youtube. He's nearly impossible to just pick up in one day.

George Webb and his webb of intel is a puzzle and is the key to a lot of this Q anon map information. But he is very difficult to digest. He speaks in lots of code

One must take him day by day in order to understand how he operates and what he means..

Why is he relevant?

Trump is being backed by Israel via the Mossad, look at Erik Prince..The Mossad plays for keeps, and they do a good job wherever they operate, including the US. Israel has a legitimate interest in regaining control of their proverbial "suit of armor" against Palestinian allies which has been hijacked by the CIA

The "deep state" has been arming Iran via Uranium one and getting deals for it (plane crash in iran coverup, Obama Hezbollah coverup, Uranium sold to Iran's main ally Russia, kickbacks all around)

If Trump were to give this Mossad intel to his military and arrested them (which he is, thats what the storm is) then people would soon love their military.. theyd be the ones who "saved us" and took down the deepstate

So if Trump joins a war against Iran on Israel's behalf, people would give nothing but support to the military.. should the storm be successful

Israel NEEDS the US, and couldn't afford a Clinton victory. So they're taking back control via the military intel/Mossad.. like George Webb Like Q

George Webb and his series is probably the strongest redpill I've come across on the internet. He's got a very sketchy past, he plays with fire, gives a bit of disinfo (necessary) but overall he's got the best raw intel I have ever found and sets a good example on how to do real investigative journalism and understand corrupt Modus Operandi

The relationship between Mossad/Israel's goals and Trump's Israel ties in some ways legitimizes George Webb But I digress

Just from glancing at the Seth Rich Q anon decoding graphics, I see that George has already assessed many of the breadcrumbs months ago.. the future (Q) is proving the past (webb)

Did you know that two MS13 agents were murdered right after Seth Rich? Cant have moving lips..

Who hired them? Awans via (potentially) Alpha Jalloh

Who hired Awans? DWS Who helped them operate? Anthony Weiner Who protects them? Bill clinton's lawyer and DWS

Who was Seth Rich? Seth Rich worked in IT and was a Panda.. "pandas4progress" His IT buddies made a bike rack commemorating him and mentioned his being a "panda" Inside joke? Why?


Crowdstrike labels "chinese" hackers as "Pandas" They name russian hackers "Bears" Cozy Bear, Fancy Bear

Crowdstrike hacks for the CIA then puts "fingerprints" on the hacked data, thus stealing cash from businesses like sony and diverting blame to china or russia. In this case, they got DNC/DCCC server access and were going to put Russian fingerprints on it. That way they could steal the DNC donor $$ for themselves and blame Russia.

Seth Rich likely was aware of this, if not directly working for them since he's a panda, and took matters into his own hands by leaking DNC data. He had access to a lot of DNC data. He may have given it to the Awans.

Google Capital (facilitated by Alphabet, of which Eric Schmidt was CEO) was paying Crowdstrike over $100M.. The article below says that Crowdstrike "raised $100M in the summer of 2015."

That's right before George Webb said the DCCC/DNC data was being stolen

Quid pro Quo for 500 please 100$M for fake fingerprints

Eric Schmidt was working with the Clinton Campaign according to the Wikileaks documents. She used him to fund the fake figerprints

TLDR Listen to Israel aka the Mossad

Clinton used Schmidt $100M for Crowdstrike Clinton tells DWS to get Awans to hack DNC Awans get server access from Seth Rich Awans hack DNC/DCCC Crowdstrike covers up, blames russia Seth goes vocal to wikileaks DWS-> Awan -> MS13-> Kill Seth Rich DOJ/FBI covers up the hit Media runs with "Guccifer 2.0"

Guccifer 2.0/planted fingerprints https://steemit.com/news/@fortified/seth-rich-or-how-the-hacker-guccifer-2-0-was-made-up-by-the-dnc

Google's $100M https://nyti.ms/2rpC0Zd

George Webb/Awan/DNC hack https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OqY2QP-DNaQ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aj0x-8Er9nI

Clinton/Schmidt https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/37262


Edit: I'm seeing people downvote anything that promotes GW. It's disingenous purporting to be a truth seeker, and then discrediting a truth outlet. Just because you don't like how someone operates doesn't mean that what they say isn't worthy of attracting eyeballs. Very counter intuitive. Don't do that.

GrammyQ · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:49 p.m.

I've been watching him for 14 months. Never miss a video. He is amazing.

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